Sugawara x Reader (Lemon)

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//This part is a continuation to the previous story, I promise I am working on other characters and going to add to more of my Ouran story I just haven't had time with school starting and having my best friend come in town over the weekend.

It was only a week since you and Suga became official and you both admitted your love to each other, you both planned on having a your first date by going out to dinner then out to a drive-in movie. Since you and Suga were so close already you both had already done many couple like things like: cuddles, holding hands, etc. The only things you guys haven't done yet were things involving taking off clothes and lip on lip action, other than when you guys kissed when you became official. You were curious how this night was going to plan out if you both really wanted to act like a couple to each other since you already had done that just as best friends.

Just as you finished getting ready for the date you heard you phone go off with your special ringtone just for Suga:

Suga: "On my way, Kitty~ <3"

You read the message and smiled feeling your face heat up into a blush and responded with:

You: "Can't wait, Bird mom <3"

You knew he didn't like it when he called you that but he let you do it anyway.

You lived in an apartment complex alone which was only about a 5 minute walk away from Suga's house, making it easy for the 2 of you to hang out a lot. You walked out of your bathroom and over to your body length mirror and looked at yourself making sure everything looked good. You wore a black flow skirt meeting your lower thighs showing a perfect part of your perfectly shaved legs, along with a white tank top and a (F/C) //Favorite Color// fall jacket, a perfect outfit just for the nice early fall weather. You smiled at yourself feeling confident in your outfit and made your way to the door of your home, turning out lights as you left.

Just as you got to the bottom floor of your apartment heading for the door, you saw Suga walk in.

"Oh, (F/N)!!" Suga smiled seeing you looking amazing as always.

"Suga!!" you giggled happy to see the silver haired setter.

You both made your way to each other and embraced each other in a nice warm hug feeling him kiss your forehead, admiring you a bit. He was so happy that he was with you now and he couldn't wait to make you feel amazing with all the things he had planned out for the 2 of you. Admiring you one more time Suga took your hand in his and started walking you to dinner to your favorite restaurant.


Nothing seemed to be awkward between you both at dinner, if anything if just felt like you were still best friends. Both you and Suga were disappointed nothing had changed yet between the 2 of you, you both had expectations that you both being together finally would give off some great sparks, but since you both seemed to act so much like a couple when you were only best friends you guessed that was just how it was just going to be that way between you guys and you didn't like it and neither did Suga.

You both started to head for Suga's house since it wasn't far away to go get his car to go to the drive in Movie Theater, hand in hand and you leaned against his shoulder as you both walked on the narrow sidewalk. Once you got to Suga's house and headed to get into his car he sped his pace up to get in front of you to open the door of the car for you. Just as when it seemed that he was going to open the door he stopped for a minute to look at you. You looked at him confused and tilted your head at him.

"Something wrong, Suga?"

He just smiled a bit and got in front of you putting his hands on your hips. "You're just absolutely amazing and I never want to let you go." And just as he finished his sentence he pressed his lips up against yours causing you to widen your eyes a bit and slowly kiss him back smiling into the kiss and wrapping your arms around his neck tightly with him snaking his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him and giving the kiss more passion. You closed your eyes feeling your heart start to race at his sudden action and you felt your face heat up as he grazed his tongue along your bottom lip asking you for entrance into your mouth and you slowly opened your mouth feeling his tongue move into your mouth quickly exploring every part of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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