Going Unseen

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Was I Too Late?...

Copyright © 2013 by Fahima Begum (TanjiTango)

All Rights Reserved

This is a new book that I've started writing recently, please vote and comment what u think :)


Chapter 1

*Beep beep, beep beep,*

Argh, that annoying sound of the alarm clock that everyone hates and wishes it never existed. Just like I hated mine, I tossed and turned wishing that damn thing would shut up, pulling my pillow over my ears. Make it stop, make it stop! It's killing me! I told myself. After a few minutes I finally stopped, knowing I'm wide awake now and pushed myself up, reaching over to the alarm clock on my bedside table and switching it off. I leaned my head against the headboard and sighed. I looked over at the window, it had stopped raining from last night and the sunlight was passing through my grey curtains. It was 6am and I got out of bed stripping off my pajamas and jumped into my typical black skinny jeans, over-sized grey hoodie to keep me warm, as autumn had just started. Once I was dressed I pulled open my curtains letting the sunlight in. I wasn't bothered to have a shower now, so I'll have a shower when I get back from work that is if I have enough time before college.

So you're wondering how old I am, right? I'm 17 and I'm off to deliver milk, yes it is a crap job I know and yes it is typical for a guy to do that job but guess what...I'm not a typical girl.

I tied my ordinary brown hair in a messy like bun before grabbing my New Era Atlanta Braves cap off my dressing table and ran down stairs for some breakfast. As soon as I got into the kitchen I grabbed the bread and butter out of the fridge before getting a knife to spread it with, Mum and Jamie are still asleep as they both don't have work or school until 9 o'clock, so every morning I have to make my own breakfast, like I have been for the last 4 months since I got the job. After I had eaten, I gulped down a whole glass of water and grabbed my cap again off the kitchen counter before placing it on my head. I pulled on my socks and black plimsolls and ran into to the garage to get my maroon bike out. I jumped onto the bike and started peddling towards the store, which take about 10 minutes; I had just about enough time to make it to work, as work starts at 7am and its 6:48am right now.

----------------After arriving at the Milk Store--------------

As always I get two baskets of milk that I carry at the back of my bike to give around the neighbourhood. The milk canteen were heavy and hard to cycle with at first but then I got use to it and it helps my legs with exercise. As always I had to started off at Fair View Street, also known as the rich people street which is a pain, knowing one of those houses belongs to a slut at college who teases me about my job every day of my life, so I try giving out the milk fast as possible before she sees me.

Your probably thinking, who gives out milk these days, right? Well this is the countryside and its still a bit old fashion so we do it the old way.

I made my way up Fair View Street delivering the milk cartons, until I came across the biggest house there, yeah sure I had delivered milk there but today there's new people moving in. Before they had come an old man use to live there with his single daughter but I guess they probably moved to the city side like everyone is these days, it was a bit rare for someone to move into the country side when usually people move out, not in.

I hadn't given it much thought as I hopped off the bike and left the milk carton next to the post box. I jumped onto my bike again and started to ride off until I heard someone calling after me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2015 ⏰

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