"Now, you look great," she said, trying to reassure me. "The guys are waiting for us downstairs. Let's go."

"Guys?" I asked dumbly.

"Yes guys, silly! You don't just go clubbing without them. The blonde one is yours. You'll recognize him from school. His name's Raoul."

"Oh yeah, the guy with the French name who isn't really French at all," I said with a roll of my eyes while following her down the hall.

She considered it briefly before confusedly replying, "Uh.. yeah, him… Anyway, yeah, and mine is John, of course."

"Of course," I echoed. We made it downstairs, and the two guys were there, as Meg said they would be. "Hello," I spoke softly to erase the silence.

Raoul looked uncomfortable, like he didn't really want to be there . Of course, who could blame him? I was known as the 'weird one' at school before we graduated. That's the way I wanted it, though. I had no immediate family, so why have immediate friends, besides Meg?

"Hey," he mumbled making his uncomfortable demeanor even more obvious.

I watched as Meg approached John and kissed him. Raoul and I kept a good twenty foot distance while this occurred. When they were finally done, Meg spoke. "Ok people, let's go. The night's not getting any younger."

We all headed for the door, but I couldn't help but insist, "Meg, shouldn't we leave a note for your mom? She'll probably get back from her work party before we get back."

She let out an annoyed groan. "Christine, it's fine. I told her what we were doing. She's cool with it. Now, let's go." She was obviously anxious to get out of the house.

Guess I missed when that happened, I thought. I was rather surprised Aunt Giry was letting us go to a club. Perhaps Meg hadn't told her the whole truth.

The car ride to the club was miserable. There was no talking during the drive. It seemed as though everyone was happier listening to deafeningly loud rap music.

Finally, after twenty minutes of driving, we ended up at a club called Tonic. We got out of the car, and my ears were greeted by louder music than before... We weren't even inside yet. Why, oh why did Meg want me to come here? I inwardly asked myself feeling very out of place.

We entered the club, showed the guy at the door our ID's, and received stamps on our hands to indicate that we we couldn't drink. Then, Raoul was gone before I could even blink. Meg and John held hands while walking into the club, and I was left looking like a lost loser behind them.

Although I didn't care for the attention, I couldn't help but notice the stares I received from members of the opposite sex. They weren't 'Gosh, isn't she weird,' stares either. Any normal girl would love the looks I was getting. As for me, I just crossed my arms and averted my eyes.

It took me a minute to realize Meg and John were heading for the dance floor. No way, I thought. I didn't dance, and that was the way it would stay. Not even Meg would be able to change it. Somehow, I was able to get her attention and pointed to a table on the other side of the large room. She shrugged and turned back to her boyfriend not caring about what I did and didn't do.

On the way to the table, three guys approached me wanting me to dance with them. I replied with the only lie that popped in my head. "I'm here with somebody else." Before I could make it to the table, however, it was taken over by some tired dancers. Just great.. I thought in despair. I looked around only to be met with numerous guys' eyes in every direction. Never before had I thought, 'Hey, maybe I'm attractive!' I had long, usually frizzy, curly brown hair, green eyes, and a small build that lacked every curve Meg was gifted with. I definitely never considered my appearance to be 'hot'. Maybe all of these guys were just desperate for anything they could get.

God, how I hated the feeling of being watched!

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I was standing by myself near a wall feeling disgusting and getting a headache from the loud music and overwhelming smell of cigarette smoke. I need some fresh air. I looked down at my watch: 12:30 am.Surely they'll be ready to go soon.. I'll just go outside for a minute. Then, I'll come back and find them.

I made my way to the entrance avoiding every approaching guy and left with a sigh of relief. As the outside air hit my face, I welcomed it gladly by tilting my head towards the sky. I was alone and I loved it. Walking until I couldn't hear the club's music anymore, a smile came to my face. The night really wasn't that bad. Pretty peaceful, actually.

It would be far easier to think out here. So Raoul had left? Nothing surprising there. I'm sure he only agreed to go with me in the first place because he's John's best friend. And Meg and John were probably still rubbing up against each other creating those trashy but popular dance moves everybody liked. It was gross, in my opinion.

Well, at least here I would be able to think about my plans for the future. The irreversible plans I had been making since I was ten years old. College. Just a month until I go. I couldn't wait. Maybe it would be there that I would finally fit in. Even if I didn't fit in, though, at least I would finally be able to try to make my parents proud. It was their dying wish that I make my dreams come true, that dream being singing on stage.

Something suddenly caught my eye.

It looked like the same car that had passed by only moments before was passing by again. No, I thought. It's gotta be a different one… I just didn't get a good look at the first car. Yeah, that's it. I just shrugged it off not wanting to return to the atmosphere of the club yet. Just a few more minutes…

Well, now my thinking couldn't be as peaceful, unfortunately. Now, I had my guard up.

A few minutes later, I felt a strange gust of wind from behind me. I turned my head and found it to be nothing at all. My imagination always was running away with me. Nobody's here, stupid! I thought to myself. Nobody from the club would follow me. They'd much rather be dancing or something.

But, even so, it finally did hit me that I should head back. I'd gotten enough fresh air.. fifteen minutes of it, in fact. I turned and walked back, unable to forget that extra gust of wind I had felt moments before.

It didn't occur to me until then just how far I had walked. That was irresponsible of me! My heart was beginning to beat faster. Nobody from the club could even hear me yell from here-. Before I could finish that thought, I let out a blood curdling scream and dropped my purse.

A gun, yes, a gun, was pressed hard against my back, and I could feel the breath of a man on my neck. He didn't say a word before pushing me against the wall of a nearby building. I let out another scream as the side of my face came in contact with the hard brick. When trying to stop the pressure with my hands, I'm pretty sure I either sprained or cracked a wrist, which made me scream again. This guy was strong...

In the process of hitting the wall, I closed my eyes tightly. Before I could open them, the man turned me so that my back was against the wall, and I was facing him. Slowly, I opened my eyes, and just as slowly, my green orbs widened at the sight of him. He was so close, so very close, and his face was all I could see. Well, actually, no I couldn't, for it was completely covered by a black mask. A black hat was covering his head. My wrist was forgotten in that moment, but I let out another shriek without even meaning to.

Without hesitation, the man slapped me hard across the head with one glove-covered hand. Still though, he didn't speak.

Then, quite suddenly, in the midst of my unparalleled terror, an overwhelming curiosity took over my instincts. I reached out with my right hand that wasn't injured and removed the mask from his face. The face underneath made tears spring to my eyes, and the initial contact of the handle of his gun to the side of my head was the last thing I remember before falling into unconsciousness.

Through Emerald Eyes (Phantom of the Opera Fanfiction)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα