Chapter 1

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Full Summary:

Christine Daae is 18 years old and eager to go to college. Her plans are set and her future seems bright because it revolves around what she loves most- singing. One terrible night, however, everything changes. Her once normal life fades away and is replaced by a nightmare, due to a masked man's viciousness.

Just when she thinks she might be safe, a man wearing a mask finds her, and though he claims not to be, Christine accuses him of being the same man who hurt her so badly. One fact remains, though- he acts nothing like the man who kidnapped and raped her.

Who can she trust? And will her life ever get back on track?

 Chapter 1

Hospital room... July 21

"Now, please, start from the beginning," the policeman implored slowly.

I had three bottles of water and a tape recorder beside my hospital bed. It was going on a few days being here, and the police desperately wanted a story. Never before had something this big happened here in little Plymouth, Indiana. "Alright," I began with a tenseness in my voice that would probably never go away... Not after everything that had happened to me. "It all started on the fourteenth…"

Flashback to… July 14 (11:15 pm)

"Hurry up, Christine!" Meg yelled while pounding on my bathroom door. She was always yelling at me, trying to knock some sense into my wandering mind.

I lived with Meg Giry and her mother, my Aunt Giry. The two of them were my only living relatives. After my parents died in a car crash, the Giry's took me into their household. I've always wondered why and how they could put up with me for these seven long years. I was never any fun to be around.. All I pretty much did was sing and sleep. I suppose they felt an obligation.

Meg was the 'fun one'. She was everything I wasn't, and at one time that might have made me feel jealous... But now, after going through the process of losing my parents, jealousy never crossed my daydreaming mind. Meg was my only real friend, although we had nothing in common. At least she never gave up on me.

Tonight, for instance, she invited me to go clubbing with her and a few friends. I didn't want to go, but I didn't want to turn her down either. So, here I was in my bathroom, sitting on the tiled floor listening to some soothing Debussy music on an I Pod the Giry's bought me for Christmas last year.

I stood and composed myself. I felt so trashy in the revealing top and skirt Meg picked out for me to wear. "I'm coming, Meg."

"Well, good! I thought I'd have to drag you out of that bathroom. You've been in there for over an hour, Chris! Why are you so nervous?"

"I've just never been clubbing, that's all," I replied defensively while unlocking the bathroom door.

Meg sighed when I walked out. Hurriedly fixing my hair with her hands, she said, "Look, you're eighteen and going to college in a month. It's time to get out and have some fun! I mean, seriously, you're going to be the only person in college who hasn't partied. Tonight's the night."

Meg always knew what to say. She had a way with words. She could probably make breaking a bone sound fun.

Her bringing up college did bring a smile to my face, though, despite my nerves. In a month, I'd be going to the University of Indiana to major in vocal performance. I was set on pursuing the one dream that meant something to me… singing opera on stage.

Through Emerald Eyes (Phantom of the Opera Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant