It had been over an hour since we started playing, and the only two people left were Jack Gilinsky and Jessica. We were all blown away by Jess' poker skills; she was like a silent killer knocking down all her opponents. At this point though, she was down by a pretty significant number, and things weren't looking good for us. We all watched intently as Jack dealt the hands and laid down the cards.

"Alright, I'll raise the blind 50," Jack says, pushing in a stack of chips.

"I'll see that, and raise you 25," she replies. Jack looks at her for a few seconds before matching her bet. They continue to lay down more cards in the river, raising the bet each time. By the time the last card is shown, Jack leans back in his chair with a smile.

"All in," he says as he pushes the remainder of his chips into the middle. Jessica is silent for a moment, looks at her cards, and pushes in her chips without saying a word.

"Alright, lay 'em down," Taylor says with anticipation. Jack does, and he chuckles.

"Sorry, four of a kind."

"Wow, you really got me, unless.." Jessica trails off, laying down her cards, "Straight flush. Fork them over."

The girls erupt in excitement, shaking a now smiling Jessica, while the boys slump over in their seats.

"Alright boys, wheres the ice cream?" I say with a giggle. They groan as they pull out their wallets in defeat. We continue to laugh as they walk off.

"If there's one lesson to be learned from these past few weeks, it's don't mess with us girls," Mazy states triumphantly. We all laugh in agreement.

After finishing our cold treat, and rubbing it in the boys faces, we all agree to retire to our cabins. It was only ten, but we were mutually exhausted. The five of us quickly brushed our teeth and snuggled up in our sleeping bags, barely even saying goodnight before falling asleep.


When I woke up next, it wasn't morning.  In fact, it was still pitch black. I heard what sounded like a whisper, and them some shuffling.

"Kels? Are you sleep walking again?" I groaned, still groggy and not fully awake. I didn't hear a reply so I rolled over and closed my eyes. I was not at all expecting a pair of hand to grab me from my bed. I let out a scream as I was lifted into someones arms.

"Dude, tape her mouth she gonna wake up the whole camp!" I heard someone say. Was that Taylor?

Oh hell no.

I tried to scream again but I felt a piece of tape being shoved over my mouth. I tried to squirm free as the rest of my cabin mates were yanked from their beds.

"You got her? Alright lets go hurry!" I hear Shawn say, and suddenly I feel the cold night air hit me. The other girls realized what was happening too, and tried wriggling free from their captors grasp. The boys didn't even flinch as they carried us away from our cabin. Once we were in the light, I could fully see who was holding me. I wasn't surprised to see Jack with a stupid grin on his face.

"Puummum duunn ssh oga biff" I tried yelling, but he just laughed.

"I'm gonna make you so wet Lauren. Just you wait," He says, and I look over to see where were headed. The dock.

"MMMMNNHHHNNNNNNPPHHH" I scream through the tape, but its no use. The boys run onto the dock, and in no time I feel my skin hit icy cold water. I try and gasp, but the tape causes me to choke. I rip it off, and swim back up to the surface, coughing. The boys are laughing their asses off, as the other four reach the surface as well. We are all pissed.

"That's what you get when you beat us boys at poker!" Aaron says with a shrug, and they continue to laugh. The five of us swim to the edge of the dock, and the boys immediately back up.

"You are not getting away with this!" I shout, as we hoist ourselves up and run after them. I chase Jack up the dock and into the woods. He's fast, but I'm faster, and I eventually reach him and tackle him to the ground. I manage to sit on his legs, and pin his arms to the ground with my hands.

"Wow, this kinda turns me on," He says with a seductive look.

"You will pay you son of a bitch," I tell him as water drips onto his white t-shirt. He slips his hands out from under mine, and spins me over so he's on top.

"What are you gonna do, throw me in the lake?"

I try and squirm out of his grasp, but he has too good of a hold.

"I hate you," I groan.

"Would you hate me if I did this?" He asks, and kisses my jaw, working his way down to my neck.

"Or how about this?" He picks me up and places me on his lap. He grabs my face and brings me in for a kiss.  I can't help but kiss him back, and allow his hands to roam up and down my body. He reaches his cold hand up my soaked shirt, and massages my bare breasts in his hands. I moan in pleasure at his touch. Eventually he lets go of me, and separates our kiss.

"So, you still hate me?" He asks with a smirk. I smile at him.

"Damn you Johnson."


Finally another update! Thanks again for sticking with me, I hope you guys aren't disappointed with come back chapter.  Be sure to vote and comment! 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2016 ⏰

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