Starting from scratch

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Lilly's POV:

I confidently marched into the empire without bothering to wave at sallow face.

I could feel the stares of the workers on my back, probably wondering what mischief I was here to create with their employer.

Ignoring the questioning gazes I marched up the stairs determined for victory.

When I came to the fourth landing my full confidence was now half empty.


I marched up to the next landing and slung open the door that echoed a loud cracking noise.


With sweat now pouring down my forehead I walked past Mr.Stone.

He looked up and he looked almost shocked.

"Mrs. Ambrose, I am very sorry, but your presence shocked me dearly." He spoke holding his chest.

"Oh really?" I asked sarcastically.

He nodded.

"Oh yes mam, because I almost thought you were Victor Linton since you two look so much alike. Oh, how I do miss working with your brother...will you please tell him I said hello?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Yes, I will." I smiled.

"Its so sad how he left to find another job. It's like his presence was so warming in this cold place."

He looked around before whispering and covering his mouth to speak. "And...sometimes I feel like his presence is still here. But, anyhow see you later." He gave me a warm smile and a wave.

I plastered a smile before turning towards Ambrose's door, but before I could open the door I heard someone clear their throat.

"U-um...mam? Mr. Ambrose said he didn't want to be bothered whether its you or anyone else for the entire week."

"Oh, did he?" I asked twisting the knob.

"Uh...yes mam. He was very specific." He expressed.

I nodded still opening the door.

"Uh huh...well I'm going to speak to him very briefly, bye." I closed the door shut behind me.

The room was dark and gloomy.

How did he manage to make the entire room to feel as he did.

His lean and dark figure was sitting down in the chair.

I walked up towards him with all the courage I could muster.

When I got closer, I then realized that he was scribbling over papers quickly and efficiently.

I cleared my throat knowing that I would be standing until kingdom come if I waited for him to acknowledge my presence.

I tried a nice and wife-like approach.

"Hey honey...what are you up to?" I asked in my sweetest voice.

"Didn't I say no visitors?" He replied coldly.

I rolled my eyes.

Time for Lilly's method instead.

"Actually, I could care less about what you said, because I'm not a visitor. I'm your wife and I have every right to be here!"

My Storm and My Silence: Romeo & Juliet #2Where stories live. Discover now