I smiled and held my hand up at Hermes to show him off to my big family, “Everyone, this is Hermes Robinson, my mate.”, I said and pointed at each of my uncles and aunt, “Hermes, this is my Uncle Skyler, Shay and Tristan, Jamie, then there's my aunt Helena, but we all just call her Auntie Lena.” It went on even longer when I introduced their wives and husband. All that was heard was my voice and it was getting dry from speaking.

It was quiet from the wolves, only my aunts and Uncle Darien said hello to him. My mom cleared her throat and smiled, “So—isn't Hermes strong? Don't you agree he's a perfect match for Jaycee mom?”, she asked my grandmother who smiled.

“Yeah. Very handsome to, look at that mess of blonde hair and those blue eyes.”, she said, chuckling. “Make some gorgeous great grandchildren.”

“Are we really going to act as if there isn't an elephant in the room?”, Uncle Darien asked and everyone looked at him confused. He rolled his eyes and unbutton his sleeve so he could roll them up to elbow, “You guys all want to know why she would be paired with a witch—God is it hot in here?”, he asked, pulling at his collar and my aunt Lena put her hand on his shoulder. “I-I'm fine.”, he said, nodding at her.

“You are so blunt.”, my Uncle Jamie said, snorting at my Uncle Darien.

“Surely this is all a joke right.”, my grandfather finally decided to speak. “I'm sixty-eight, I would have noticed something was more different about us if we could...do magic.”, he said, forcing the last part out.

“Yeah, how do we know you're kind isn't just trying to trick us into something?”, Uncle Tristan was who had to lean against the wall since there was no room to sit with my short Aunt Colleen in front of him with his arms held around her protectively.

“Why would I make this up?”, Hermes asked. “Our kind has avoided each other for so long. I just found this out a few days ago just like Jaycee has. Only Witches and Warlocks as high as Carmina LaRoche knows this stuff because she's a ninth generationer.”

“Guys, I know it's hard to believe but it's true.”, my father said, rubbing his chin that was growing a beards because he hasn't had time to shave lately. “And it's my daughter, I was in denial until I did something. He wasn't touching us when Jaycee helped me create this ball of light. It's true.”

“Over three hundred years and now this comes up?”, Uncle Shay asked. “This changes everything we knew about ourselves.”

“I know.”, my dad said, rubbing his neck.

“Which is why we're not going to let anyone else know.”, my grandfather said and we all looked at him confused as it got quiet again. “We shouldn't freak the rest of the family out, keep things the same. God knows what will happen if witches found out we knew what we could do. Some kind of war will happen and we don't need that, right?”

“What about our children?”, Aunt Lena asked. “Ryker, Brayden, and Darcy should know about this. What if one of them gets paired up with another witch or warlock?”

“My pairing is very uncommon, but it does happen.”, I said as I tighten my hand around Hermes. I couldn't help but chuckle a little nervously, “When I found out what Hermes is, I was so mad. I almost wanted to walk away but I knew I could never do that. I just want to let you all know—Hermes is different. All these stories about witches and warlocks are our enemies, it's not true. Only the ones that practice black magic are bad and Hermes family isn't like that. I want you all to accept him as if he was human.”

“You said it does happen, so there must have been another couple who dealt with this before. We should try and find out who it is.”, Uncle Shay said.

My Warlock Mate.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя