Disobeying orders.

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I watched your heart beat once.

It was beautiful.

You told me to look, but don't touch.

But I disobeyed your orders and reached out and felt it anyway.

And for that split second before you pulled my hand away, I could feel the love that you exude; as naturally as the sun gives off light and heat. I could also feel the pain that caused your every day to day frown on your face. I could feel the hatred you have for some people; as cold and dark as the bottom of the ocean.

But your pain is what really hit me. It felt like a thousand dying soldiers that just wanted to see their families just one last time, like the starving children all over the world that lack the taste for just SOMETHING, ANYTHING they can get their hands on to eat, like somehow death always seems to find your family and win.

But in all that pain, there was a hint of love. Love so deep that just thinking about it makes you want to cry. Love so warm you could fall asleep on if it were a bed. Love so kind that even the meanest person on earth would change for the better. Love SO strong that as soon as I laid my fingertips upon your chest, it pulled me in, and just like that...

I fell in love with you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2014 ⏰

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