Chapter 2

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AN/ HEy guys its danielle! This is my love story with the love of my life Danny. He is amazing! All the names are real, we are both on the worship team, he does compliment me ALOT! This next chapter is all true except the school part. Hope you enjoy it.

-Danielle (your favourite author)

(haha its holly and i edit for her! She lies, im ur favorite, cuz im me, and people love me...... and shes jealous cuz im better!!! Muhahahahahahah)

And Pic of Holly to the right!

I woke up Monday morning, dreading going to school, but still, at the same time longing to see my best friends. We all have homeroom together so that's where we meet.

I quickly got ready and got in my car and drove to school.

"Hola my amigos" Holly said as i walked in and took my seat next to her. She was sitting on Kalanis lap as usual! Uhhhhhhhh! Again, that could be me and Danny.

"Holly your asian!" I said. And everyone broke out into laughter as the bell rang. Danny passed me a note that said  'Goodmorning, Gorgeous! I meant to text you that this morning but my phone was dead, its at home charging.'

I smiled at the note and wrote him back 'Its fine, its the thought that counts".

Our teacher talked about some stuff that no one paid attention to and the bell rang and Danny and went to band. He sat right next to me because he played electric guitar and I played French Horn. After band we had Geometry together. We talked a little about Worship Team and stuff but nothing too intense. Then came lunch.

We all had lunch together, and always sat by each other. Holly, was hyper, and always made our table so much lounder than it need to be. Lunch went by quick and so did the rest of our classes. After school we all went to the library together, Holly against her will. She couldn't resist Kalani's pursuasion, and a passionate kiss. After studying for awhile, well at least what we consider studing, we went home.

I asked Holly to come over so we could talk, and also because it was one of the days that she wasn't with Kalani, and we had time to talk.

"Soooooooooo," Holly said, dangling her feet over my bed. Holly was short and petite, so her feet dont touch the ground..

"I think I want to tell Danny i love him," I blurted out before i had time to think.

"WHAT!!!???" she said with her eyes growing even larger than they already were.

"I don't think he feels the same way though! You know how I feel about rejection" 

"You know he likes you. Danielle you would never even consider it, if you didn't think he felt the same way!"

"Well I guess your right," she said standing up from my bed to answer her phone, that I didn't even know had rung.

She spoke to, what I believe was her mother and then suddenly yelled "Dono yo na!" which if I'm not mistaken, believe that means whatever. Ha, and Holly didnt believe Ilistened to her when she tried to teach me Japanese! 

"'Im so sorry Dani, my mom said my piano teacher moved my lesson to 5:00, and not 7:30." Holly said, as she grabbed her Vera Bradley backpack. Damn thoses Asians and their paino lessons!

"Wait, should I confess to Danny?" 

"Dani, I believe you should, but it's not my life it's yours and you have final say! OMG, I didnt know I could be that freaking deep!"

Wow, Holly way to ruin any chance of me thinking your could be serious!

"But, Danielle do whats in your heart, if you truly love him and for some reason he rejection, and doesn't want to be your friend anymore, he wasn't the right guy for you. And you still have me and Kalani."

Maybe she can be deep...

"WOW! There I go again! Well, sorry I have to go to shitty, piano lessons, see ya tomorrow"

"Okay, thanks even though you may not believe it, but that really helped" I smiled and gave her a hug and she left.

After years of arguing with myself but I think I made up my mind, I am gonna tell Danny... Through text message.  It read

' Hey its Danielle. Ummmm I am gonna tell you something kinda serious so bare with me here. Well I think I'm in love with you......I dont know how your gonna take that but I just thought it should be out there.' Once I sent it I already felt terrible about it. Six million thoughts went through my mind in that second.

Would he feel the same way? Would this make our friendship akward? About twenty minutes of agony later Danny texted back:

"Meet me at the park in an hour, need to talk."

My heart sank. What if he was going to reject me in person. What if he said he just wants to be friends. He would have surely told me yes over text, but this means he wants to let me down easy! So many thoughts running through my head at once, I dont think I've ever been so frustrated! 

I look over at the clock and noticed had already been twenty minutes. Ahhhh I rushed to the bathroom and began to get ready to go and face refection!

Hollys P.O.V. an hour earlier. (also does invole a conversation with my gay brother! Dont say anything bad about him pleeeeeease!)

I feel bad leaving with out knowing what will happen with Danny. The four of us have been friends since fifth grade, and Danny never seemed like a person who would hurt anyones feelings..... Well not intentionally, and thats what worried me. But, i know that if anything happens with Dani, she still has Sempai and I. Ohhhhhhhh yah, i call Kalani, my sempai sometimes, not because hes better than me, just because we're nerds and we love anime and it makes him feel special. Yah, i know lame right, but i call him sempai when i want something or im nervous and he calls me Hiragi (my Japanese name), when hes mad.

Well I should quit worring so much Dani has always been strong when something happens, but i dont no how she would take it if the love of her life rejected her. 

"Hiri! (my brothers nickname for me, using my Japanese name) Your late, you know how father feels when your late for your paino lessons!!!" my brother, Kaito, said greeting me at the door.

"I know Kai im sorry, i had an important conversation to finish with Dani" I said throwing my bag on my couch.


"Awwwww, is it someones time of the month," I said teasing him

"Haha, funny! Just because im gay doesnt mean i have those nasty periods!'

Ohhhhh, yah my brothers gay..... Dont freaking judge him! When i found out it only made me love him more!

"WAIT! Did something happen with Jace?" I asked confused. Jace was my brothers boy friend.

"No, accually that reminds me, how would you, Danielle, Kalani, and Danny like to come to the beach this weekend with Jace and I?"

Wow, my little brother asking me to come to the beach with him and his boyfriend..... Im so in! My brother and I were very close.

"We'd love too!" And with that said, I was more focused on how much fun this weekend is going to be than Danielles boy problems. And before i had time to worry, i was on my way to paino lessons.

Hey its Dani! Okay, well hope you liked that chapter! Hollys P.O.V. may have suprised you alittle, but im sorry. Her brother being gay might cause problems with Danny in the near future! Well if you like, continue to read, comment, and like! 

Hey its Holly! I thought for people who dont know what sempai is ill explain it. Sempai is a name given to someone of higher status than yourself. Its commonly used in anime! Yes, i watch anime cuz im a nerd and i call Kalani, just Sempai or Kalani Sempai sometimes! And please dont say anything bad about my bro!


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