The things we can meet in the woods

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Once we were all inside and cozy everyone started talking to one another even my mother. That all changed because I got this urge to go to the woods and I have no idea why, but it felt like it was calling me for some reason. I told my gran I was going for a walk and she said to stay safe and I left. The funny thing was I didn't know where I was going but I was hell bent on getting there. As I'm walking through the woods I hear a twig snap a couple feet away from me but I didn't say anything but I was freaking out. It was starting to get late and I had no idea where I was and I was terrified. It's a good thing I always keep my phone in my bra. I take my phone out to call my mom but some movement distracts me and out from the bushes to my left was a huge half man half wolf thing. I was frozen still I didn't know what to do. As he started to walk my way my heart started to beat out of my chest and I'm sure he heard it too I think because he smirked like he was happy I was scared of him, that his presence was very unnerving to me. He walked right up to me and just sniffed my neck and licked me a little, he then walked away like nothing happened. I was at a loss for word and scared out of my mind. What would you have done if a strange half man half creature did it to you?! After a few moments I contained my composure and got to running. And when I say running I mean taking off like my name is Barry Allen {flash reference🤗} at least that is what it felt like to but in reality I was running as much as a dog with 3 legs and it was quite sad actually. When I finally got back to my house I was hot, sweaty, hungry, and out of breath so when everyone started asking where I had been I was way to tired to talk so I did the only thing my body knew how to do when it was tired I passed out right there in my living room in front of everyone.

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