A word before we start...

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Dear readers,
This isn't a typical happy-ever-after story. In a way it is, but in many other ways it isn't at all.

This story contains serious material like death, jalousy, illness, suïcide and emotional stuff.

If you can not handle these, please don't read the chapters marked with a *. Chapters with a * will contain heavy stuff. We will post a resume at the end, so you can still continue reading without missing any important information.

Furthermore we want to ask you to not pull our work down in the comments. If you don't like our story, please keep it to yourself so other readers can continue enjoying the book.

Mean comments on the book, us, other readers or other books will be erased. We are one community, and we respect each other.

That's also one of the books theme's. Respect. For each other, your parents, your children if you have them, you sibblings, classmates, teachers, neighbours and so on.

We are not saying you should like all those people, but you can show them the respect they deserve.

But please feel free to correct the spelling or gramatical mistakes. Since we are non-native English speakers, there will be some errors in the story. But we try to make the story perfect and are always gratefull if someone showes us a spelling mistake or gramatical error.

Our updates will be on a weekly basis. We might change that, but for now it will be on weekly basis.

However, we can't tell yet when our first update will be. We are still writing, editing and improving the story. We can only guess it will be in December, or January.

Thank you for your attention. And enjoy the prologue
Greatings from Belgium with a chocolate heart on top,
Aline and Barbara

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