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The clock on the wall was going agonizingly slow. Wade was watching the minute hand tick away lazily as he leaned on to one of his hands. He felt like he couldn't fight off sleep; his boredom was beyond belief.
"Willson!" The teacher in front of the classroom called his attention.
"What, Mr. Banner??" Wade looked up at him slowly, his eyes almost closed.
"Keep writing or I am gonna have to send you to Principle Clint." Mr. Banner replied calmly.
"But it's so boring..." Wade mumbled, looking down at his print outs of: Why Smoking is Bad.
"Well that's your fault for being sent to detention." Mr. Banner answered, "Now, write."
"Fine..." Wade started to write with his head resting on the desk. After a few minutes of this his pencil fell. Snoring from his desk could be heard through out the room. A few classmates chuckled as Wade Willson was peacefully sleeping.
Mr. Banner breathed in and out, trying to remain calm. He was currently fighting anger issues. He walked up to his student's desk and taped him lightly at first.
Wade snored loudly, completely oblivious to his surroundings.
"WADE!" Mr. Banner snapped, shaking Wade awake.
"What..?" Wade answered tiredly.
"Just go to Principle Clint," Mr. Banner walked back to his own desk. "I can't deal with you anymore and stay calm..."
"Fine..." Wade yawned, "I like Clint more anyway."

A book fell to the floor as Clint pushed Natasha up on to the desk.
"Clint..." Natasha was protesting slightly to the man who was currently kissing down her neck. "We're at school."
"Aren't we always though...?" Clint replied with a low smooth voice. He kissed her ear and whispered, "Don't worry. I won't punish you for being bad, Mrs. Romanova."
She moaned slightly at his words but replied, "What if I want to be...?"
"Whatever you want..." Clint kissed down her neck and slowly unbuttoned her blouse, "You get..."
Natasha wrapped her arms around his neck. Clint leaned forward to kiss her on the lips. When their lips met Natasha's hands moved to his back. Her nails dug into the fabric, trying to bring her self back to reality.
He slowly slid one hand under her skirt, slowly bringing the black fabric up. Clint began to kiss down her chest as Natasha unbuttoned his shirt. Natasha was moaning slightly at this point. Both of them were engrossed in the moment.

"Umm.... Hello...?" Wade was standing in the door way.
Clint looked up from Natasha's chest and was horrified. "WHY DIDN'T YOU KNOCK?"
"I did..." Wade said quietly. "But I can let you two finish. I can come back latter, bro."
Natasha was a very bright shade of red at this point, she was frantically trying to cover her self back up. "It's fine... I was just leaving."
Clint buttoned his own shirt quickly as well, accidentally skipping a button. "Come in. Close the door. Sit down." His voice was low, but stern.
"Sure." Wade was trying to hold back laughter. 'I knew it!' He was thinking to himself.
Natasha fled the room blushing as Clint positioned himself behind his desk. "You did not see a thing." He looked Wade in the eye. "You saw nothing."
"Suurreeeee." Wade dragged out in a sarcastic tone.
"Wade, I am serious." Clint was trying to remain calm.
Wade laughed. "I knew you were hitting that. It's fine, man." He offered a high five with a giant smile.
Clint blushed and was furious at this situation. "I am not giving you a high five. This is serious."
"Not really." Wade shrugged. "So what? You bang my math teacher, we can still be friends."
"Wade! I am your principle." Clint yelled.
"But you're really not..." Wade was smiling mischievously. "I mean... Principles don't bang teachers... Or make teenagers, such as myself, feel uncomfortable like this." Wade was faking an innocent expression.
"Cut it out." Clint glared from across the desk. "I know you're not traumatized from this experience."
"Do you really though?" Wade wore a sly smile as he looked at the other.
"Wade!" Clint was beyond frustrated. "I am not messing around. I know that you're this big talker and you joke around but this is not funny. This is my career. I promised your parents before they died that I would try to give you the benefit of the doubt.... But Wade, I seriously can't joke about this."
Wade's expression fell at the mention of his parents. "Don't talk about them..."
"Wade..." Clint was sympathetic but he needed to get his point across. "I need you to just keep your mouth shut about this."
"Fine... Whatever." Wade was no longer having fun.
"Wade..." Clint tried to comfort the teen before him but he wasn't getting through to him.
"You're secrets safe with me. Just shut your trap about them. Okay?" Wade stood and walked to the door. Before Clint could even reply his office door was slammed shut.

Peter was sitting outside the school on his skateboard. He moved back and forth with his legs, making the board rock side to side. Peter was nervous about this "date". He kept fixing his messy hair, seeming to only make it stick up here and there more. He checked his phone for the time agin. 'Wade should be done in 20 minutes...' Peter though, 'I wonder is he's as nervous as I am...'
A door a little away from Peter flung open, Wade stormed out. "Fuck him!" Wade muttered to himself
"H-Hey!" Peter shouted over to the seemingly frustrated boy.
Wade's whole body changed quickly. "O-oh, hey!" He had completely forgotten about the plan for after detention. Wade was so lost in his anger that he had forgotten Peter. Remembering his date, Wade cheered up a ton.
"What happened?" Peter asked, "I thought you were suppose to be there for 20 more minutes."
"Plans changed..." Wade replied with a half smile.
"How so?" Peter inquired.
"Damn Mr. Banner kept getting on to me for sleeping through that god awful writing so I was sent to Clint..." Wade stopped, remembering what Clint had said.
"And then what...?" Peter asked, confused. "He let you go early or something..?"
"Something like that." Wade smiled, trying to change the subject.
"Well, good for us I suppose." Peter smiled, sensing the other boy didn't want to talk about it any further.
"Yes!" Wade smiled brightly. "Shall we?" He extended a hand to Peter.
Peter looked at it awkwardly. 'Am I suppose to hold it?'
Wade saw how he was questioning what to do and laughed it off awkwardly. "Let's go." He started walking toward the schools parking lot.
"That's not the way to Tony's..." Peter said, confused on their direction.
"No it's not." Wade replied, "But it's toward our ride."
"Ride?" Peter was lost. He usually walked or skated everywhere he went.
"Yes." Wade laughed wrapping and arm around Peter's shoulder as they walked. He was taller so he managed this task easily.
Peter blushed lightly. "Do you drive?"
"Yes." Wade answered as if it was an obvious question. "Do you not?"
"Well... Not really." Peter was slightly embarrassed so he tried to explain why. "My aunt and uncle are older and always busy..."
"Oh..." Wade didn't want to make him uncomfortable. "It's fine, baby boy. I can teach you."
Peter was blushing furiously at this point. "Don't call me that... But really? You wouldn't mind..?"
Wade looked at him. "Of course not!"
This caused Peter to smile. 'He's actually kind of sweet,' he thought to himself.
Wade slowed his walking when they approached a black motorcycle.
"Where's your car..?" Peter asked, looking around to find cars here and there, but none of them were very close. He was oblivious to the fact Wade's ride was a motorcycle.
"Right here, kid." Wade laughed, unwrapping his arm that was around him and gesturing to the motorcycle.
"Oh..." Peters eyes widened. 'You've got to be kidding me?! No way in hell I am learning to drive that...'
"Come on!" Wade flung his right leg over the side of the motorcycle and looked back at Peter.
Peter watched the other kick the kick stand and turn on the engine. He forced himself to climb on to the back of it with Wade. Peter was terrified, but trusted Wade for the most part.
"Here." Wade handed back a black helmet.
"Uh... Thank you." Peter took it and put it on. "Where's yours?"
"Only have one." Wade smiled back at the boy behind him.
"That's dangerous though..." Peter pointed out.
"So? Didn't you know?" Wade laughed. "I am indestructible."
"Not funny." Peter said, seriously worried.
"I'll be fine." Wade started moving rather quickly.
A squeak came from Peter, the motion sent him back slightly.
Wade stopped, put his legs down to steady the bike, and pulled Peter's arms to wrap around him. "Hold on."
Peter blushed wildly as Wade did this. "O-okay." 'Thank god he can't see my face.' He thought to himself.
'God, he is so cute.' Wade thought as he started moving again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2016 ⏰

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