the child of the sun and the moon.

17 0 0

"My queen, please. Listen to reason." One of my knights said. His eyes pleading me to evacuate the my castle. No my kingdom. I shook my head. My kingdom is surrounded by enemies. For a long time we had peace, but something happend and one of my sons had comitted a visious act. Now we are surrounded on all fronts. I know my magic can make a berrier, but either way it will not end good. Both choices will cause harm in the to my people and the other to my baby girl.

"I will not leave. If this kingdom falls then so shall I." I smilled saddly. Bade looked at her. He also looked down at what she held in her arms.

"Please. Queen Soleil, evacuate with your baby." I just stared at him.

" This place has been in my family for generations.  My grandfather, and his father before that and so on and so on, all have lived here and died here. I will not leave. You can evacuate the people, but I will not cower in the shadows. Not even my daughter can make me leave." I said a tear slipping from my eyes.the little bundle in my arms yawning. My poor daughter lives, for only a few short moments only to die. And if I were to die for this place, my daughter would suffer far worse.

                            "...How selfish I am......" I mumbled.

"My love...." I said as I looked at my husband. His hair an inky black. His eyes the color gray. " can leave....I'm not holding you take our daughter...and-"

"I won't leave your side." Bade said, his hand slidding into mine.his gray eyes never leaving mine. He still looked like he did back then.

At that moment I knew what to matter how much I hate it.

"Knights!round up my knights." I asked one of my laidies in waiting.

All of my old friends gathered. Their armor, shinning in the sun light. They kneeled before us.

"Please, you are my friends. We are equal here." I say as I get up. My little star still sleeping soundly.

"What is it you wish for Soleil?" One of them has asked.

"I want you to take my baby and run." I say to them.

They stood there silent. None of them wanting to leave. Until Yuu stood up and took a step foreword.

"I will take her."  yuu held out his hands.

I was relunctent to let my little star go. I leaned forward looking at that small cute little face. For one last time. I will never forget her warmth, that sweetest little smile she always wore.

I handed her over to yuu. Her face twitched a litttle.her blanket was a deep red making her black hair more darker. He started to turn.

"Wait!" I said. I started to take off my necklace. The one thing that I will pass off. The old silver and black necklace we called the heart of the stars. I held in my hands. Molding part of my heart in it.

"This is for you, to remember us. " I placed it over her neck. I stood back up. My back straight, eyes looking foreword. My eyes prickling with hot tears. I sat back down on my thrown.

With a wave of my hand I opend a portal."go on, it will take you somewhere safe."

Yuu nodded and walked into the portal.

                                         "....Good bye, Aster....."

The whole place turned to ash.

Okay so we have Aster! I don't know what got me to write this. I dreamed of something really really pretty but sad story. So comment and vote!

Also I'm still editing the crap out of this please be a bit understanding.

Anyway good night!~

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