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Hey everyone! So, as you all may know Stranger Things is making a Season 2 on Netflix!!!!!!! I know. I am late on announcing but I was so excited!!! It's SUCH A LONG WAIT to see it, but at least it's a thing now! :D! But for now, I'm just going to explain two announcements.

1.) So, a ton of you know that I write my own version of Stranger Things called "S.T.: Eleven Edition", right? Well I wanted to announce that since Stranger Things is releasing a second season, I will be continuing my Eleven Edition story!!! So yes, it is not completed, it is still a work in progress and I will update my Eleven Edition story when the second season comes out!!

2.) My second announcement is about what I announced in my last chapter of this Updates whatever-you-call-it. So I said that I would create a new story that is still based off of Stranger Things. It is called "What if?" and I told you that I would post it up early September, well today is when I will post it and the very first chapter is almost complete for you guys to see. So as you guys are reading this, I will be finishing up the first chapter and will be ready. So stay tuned for the new story!

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