Mute! Riku x Blind! Reader: The Silent One and The Blind

Start from the beginning


"... Hey Riku, you were always wearing this blindfold in battles right?" she asks as Riku look the corner of his eye to [y/n].

"It's really amazing. Even though you couldn't see anything... It must been tough for you..." she said with a tone of concern.


"...Riku" she put her hand to Riku as she spoke again. "and also... a feeling...." Riku felt her hands didn't move so he look again and saw a sleeping [y/n] with her mouth is slightly agape and drooling a little. Riku smiled to this. He then kissed [y/n]'s forehead.

{time skip for a bit; still in third}

Soon then [y/n] woke feeling that Riku is gone. She sit up and  tried to called out to him but she was greeted by silence. She thought 'I can't feel him... nothing... I can't see anything... just darkness...'  she shudders to this thought.  She went outside with the walls to support her and went to the opposite direction where the bathroom is located. "So which way is it?" She ask in one particular. She thought to herself once again ' This is bad... really bad! I have no idea where I'm going.... will I be okay if I go along this wall...' "Honestly, Riku... where did you go?" she says as she continues to walk forward. 

As she continues to walk forward, she was soon tripped and she began to fall down to the stairs as she screams but a hand was soon grabbed her from the waist. It was Leon, who save her. He asks to [y/n] "What the heck are you doing?" She was panting and tries to catch her breath and replies to Leon "Huh.... Leon?" 

Leon sighs and scold her "You shouldn't be walking around with your current state."  "S-sorry... You really saved me there..." she said. Leon asks about Riku's location. [y/n] replies as she scratch her cheek " It seems that he was not in the room and that's why... and that's why I-.... take me to the bathroom..."

They soon went to the bathroom and Leon waited [y/n] to go out. She thanked Leon for saving and accompanying her. "Come on, I'll take you back to your room" Leon says but [y/n] declined and she told him she's fine on her own. She waved Leon as she walked away but she was hit by a wall. Leon sighs and pick [y/n] up in bridal style. Her legs dangle on the air and her hand are on her stomach while her head lays on Leon's chest.

"That's why I told you, didn't I?"

" Even though I can walk by myself..."

"It's much more faster to take you back this way, instead of walking so be quiet." Leon said as someone approaches them. It was Riku. They were face to face as the tension thickens. Riku's glare intensifies while Leon was frozen in one place trembling. [y/n] didn't know what's happening so she asks Leon "Leon, what's wrong??"

"Ah.... well.." Leon says as Riku stretch out his hands to give [y/n] to him. Riku tried to speak but it came nothing, not one sound. "Leeon?" [y/n] asks again "Le..." Leon gives [y/n] to Riku and he walks away as [y/n] continues her question "...on? Hn...?" Riku goes back to their room with [y/n] in bridal style. As Leon walks back he start to questions himself "What's with those two..... they are kind of weird... especially Riku...' Poor Leon.

Back to them, "Ah, I finally came back!" As [y/n] flop herself on their bed with her  one hand beside her and another one is on her top head. "Even though I only went to the  bathroom, it felt like a long time." she rambles on. Riku then grab [y/n]'s  face gently and he kissed [y/n] passionately. 

[y/n] grabs Riku's torso and she push him gently. "...Eh? Wha- what the? All of a suddden..." she blushes. Then Riku puts his finger on the eyebrow of [y/n] and move down the end of her eyebrow that will give her a signal. "You're brows are furrowed." she continues " Are you in a bad temper? And feeling  a bit jealous, Right?" she asks as she sits up. Riku bit [y/n]'s cheek and thought 'Got it right'  "Hey! Don't bite me! It hurts!!!!!" she exclaims.  She rubs her cheek and says "Geez... Leon was just helping me out because you weren't here, Riku." Riku then grab something in his pocket as [y/n]'s head tilts and asks "Riku?" 

Riku grabs [y/n]'s hand and place a pouch that fills the materials they need. [y/n] asks "Eh.. what's this? A pouch... with the materials in it." She place her hand to Riku's cheek as she continues to talk "These... you went to get them?" Riku holds [y/n]'s hand and he tilt his head.

 [y/n] continues to talk to Riku " ... You... Dummy! you didn't have to! It's because we were selfish that we ended up like this... not being to see or to speak is painful!" she rambles on "Riku... maybe you were fine when you couldn't see but... it's scary, right? To not be able to see anything again. Only darkness... it;s lonesome, isn't it?" Riku casted his eyes down but he shakes his head. [y/n] felt his signal and says " Liar... I-I'm scared... I can't see a thing" She lays her forehead to Riku's chest as she continues to talk "And I feel lonely if you are not by my side.........." 

She hugs Riku and sobs in his shoulders as she talks through her sobs " Sorry for *sobs* acting like a *sobs* spoiled brat... it's just your touch makes me feel safe...."  she lean backwards to her normal sitting position as she thank Riku " Oh yeah! Thanks for the mate-" she was cut off by Riku's lips. He parted ways as he saw [y/n]'s blushing red face. He leaned forward to kiss her. [y/n] tries to say something through their kiss. "Hnf.. Hnf... Riku!" They lay down as they continue their make out session. 

[y/n] began to talk again "You know I can't see anything.. Riku? Hey! Are you listening?" Riku then trails his kisses down to her neck. "Oi! Riku! she exclaims and continue their make out session.

{time skip in the morning; still in third}  

"Looks like you got yer eyesight back." Cid said to [y/n] but she only replies in silence. "Are you also okay, Riku?" asks Sora "...Yeah" Riku replies with uncertainty. Cid continues to talk to them "Well, our goal is to make this experimental product to work in 10 minutes. That would be great... but now [y/n] is inflicted with 'silence' "...." she smile sheepishly as Cid continues "and Riku has 'blindnes'." 

"How is that your conditions got switched...?" Sora asks. "Beats me" Riku replies with a shrug as he crosses his hand and as for [y/n], she replies only but silence while she sweat drops.  "Until the nullification is over even exchange of body fluids would inflict other effects. That's what I think... would ya agree?" Cid says as [y/n]'s face started to gloom and as for Leon stay silent from the whole conversation. 

They went back to their room and sat down on their bed. " Hey you! why are you trembling so much? Riku says even without seeing, he know what happens. "You're getting flustered. And that Face gives it away." Only silence was the reply from [y/n]. She tries to speak but nothing came out. She wrap her arms around Riku's waist and she lays her head on his shoulder as she pouts. There's an awkward silence but Riku broke it. "... Our talk from yesterday, even if I can only see darkness, I'm fine with it because right now you are here with me and that's why. I have no reason to be scared or lonely."  Her eyes sparkles and she became flustered again and blushing madly because of Riku's straightforward answer. She went to the bed frame tries to hide her blush as Riku asks "Why did you ran away for?" "Hey [y/n]!" [y/n] thought 'Geez, Riku... Sometimes you can be so embrassing...!' 


Yay! New chappie! So sorry for not updating much. You know school and stuffs but I will update my It will began by birth by sleep and Rebirth later, I think. So anyway hope you enjoy, Bye! Oh check on my new story Rebirth, okay! Bye again!


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