My two best sisters

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Man am I lucky to have two good friends who I consider my sisters. They are there for me when I need it the most. I would always think why they would want to be friends with a goofball like me.

But they are goofballs too. The three amazing goofballs. Lol. They don't care what people look like or anything like that. They just care about people's feelings. And that's good.

There are too much people bullying these days and it's wrong. I already said this but I'm gonna say it again. Check out finding happiness club. It's a club that will allow u to be u. We do a lot of cool things.

Emily is the one who runs the club. And she's doing a really good thing. First meeting will be this wensday so be sure to make it. Oh yeah we just talk on wattpad and do fun things so yeah.

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