My Mate's Choice 03

Start from the beginning


I knew he was watching me, and I wished he wasn't. I couldn't concentrate about around me when I knew he was watching me but not making any effort to come up to me and talk to me. I didn't want to accept the teddy bear but I knew I had other people's eyes on me too. So I had to pretend and took the teddy bear gladly.

"Hey Beatrix, happy birthday again."

I looked at the source of the voice and cringed inwards when I saw Valerie. She had a small box in her hand and handed it to me after she gave me a cheek-to-cheek hug.

"Thank you."

"No problem. Enjoy the rest of the night. I have to keep going now, Calvin's waiting in the car," Valerie informed. I cringed again at her words. He was already leaving and not saying goodbye. But did I really want him to come over to say goodbye to me?


I watched as Valerie headed out of the pack house and I listened as I heard the car moved. They really left. I tried enjoying myself as much as possible until the party ended but I just couldn't. I was feeling dreadful.

"Alright all, I hope you had a good time this evening in getting together with the other pack members as well as to celebrate my sister's 16th birthday but I am afraid it's time for us disperse into our own comfort to rest," my brother, Eddie, the Alpha, said to everyone in his Alpha tone. I almost jumped in joy because I knew it was time for me to rest and have some pleasant sleep and rest my mind. But then, my brother decided to continue, "Plus, Beatrix need some time to prepare herself for her first shift tonight."

I totally had forgotten that I would be shifting for the first time tonight. It totally slipped off my mind and one thing I was sure of was that I wasn't ready to shift.

The rest of the pack members said their goodnight and happy birthday to me again before going on their separate ways to their room and houses.

"Hey Jean, come you need to go to bed," Sean, the Beta called. He was Jean's brother. All these while I didn't know that Jean had two brothers. I always thought it was only Jean and Sean. I didn't know Calvin was also part of their family. Well actually I never knew Calvin existed in our pack. Not until I recognized his scent earlier and learned that he was my mate.

"But I want to play with Beatrix," Jean frowned.

"You can play with her again tomorrow. Now she needs to rest," Lana, the Beta's mate coaxed Jean.

Jean gave in soon after and followed Sean and Lana to send her to her room. I was now left with my parents, my brother and Celina, his mate in the living room. Were they really going to send me off this early to shift? It was only... 10:15pm.

"So are you ready lil sis?" Eddie asked, breaking the silence. Why did it seem like someone was dying?

"I think I am."

"Well, I'm sure you'd do just fine," Dad said, his rough voice softened. I nodded.

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