Part Two

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"My baby boy's final year of Hogwarts!" Euphemia Potter said proudly, pulling him in close to her.

"Muuuum" James, her son, replied, wiping away the kiss she planted on his cheek, and gently pushing her off as though embarrassed. Not that he ever could be. Not of his mother.

"What? A mother can't be proud? To think, my son Head Boy! Oh your father would be pleased."

James smiled. His father passed away a matter of months ago due to Dragon Pox. Both his parents had been fairly old when they had him; he was something of a surprise.  James constantly worried he would get called into McGonagall's office with the news he was an orphan. As much as he hated thinking it, he knew it would be a matter of time. 

But now wasn't the time for sadness. Running a hand through his thick, messy jet black hair, he put his other hand on his mother's shoulder. "All I wanna do is make you and Dad proud." James towered over his mum, and he loved it. All he wanted to do was protect her, and keep her safe. The idea of her not being there or not being well. It hurt more than words could ever explain.

"Oh sweetheart. To think how you started out this school and how you're finishing. You've really matured." Euphemia kissed her son's cheek once more. 

"Oi oi, I thought I was the favourite!" Sirius Black said, appearing as though from nowhere and throwing his arm around James. "As if I could pick a favourite between my boys. Are your parents here?" Euphemia asked knowingly, whilst pulling Sirius in for a tight hug. Her question was a light one, and yet her tone suggested she was furious at the thought of Sirius' parents. 

Sirius nodded and jerked his head to the left slightly. "Putting Reg on the train. I got a 'Goodbye Traitor' as they walked past, so that was nice of them." With such a casual tone, anyone would think he was fine with it. But the Potters knew better.

Euphemia held back a judgmental tut. How anyone could treat such a wonderful boy so cruelly she would never know. She gave him an extra tight squeeze, and a kiss on the cheek, before letting him go.

"You always have a home with us Sirius." Euphemia had practically adopted Sirius over the past few years. In many ways she was the mother he never had. Every aspect of her was the opposite of Sirius' birth mother. Euphemia still remembered the time Sirius had broken a vase - he had cut himself pretty bad, but tried to hide it. He insisted he would pay for the vase (which no one really liked anyway). What really shocked Euphemia though, was when she reached out to help Sirius and he flinched away. A twelve year old boy, flinching at touch - it made her want to cry.   When Fleamont (James' father) passed away, it affected Sirius just as badly. They gave him what his biological family never did - a home. No one ever questioned that Sirius belonged with the Potters just as much as James did. 

"Where are my two other boys?" Euphemia asked, looking around for Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. The four of them were the best of friends, and it was rare to see them without each other. 

"Already on the train. They would've come to say bye but I think Moony had to deal with a first year having a melt down, and Peter wanted to know whether he could put in the order for our usual. But we had better get moving if we don't want to be late." Sirius said, gesturing at the clock behind him signalling it was 10:55.

Euphemia gasped. "Quick, get on. Remember to send me lots of owls - that goes for both of you. Goodbye boys. Tell Remus and Peter I'll be expecting to see them over the Christmas holidays!" She said pulling them both in for a tight hug.

"Bye Mum" they replied in unison as they quickly hugged her back before jumping on the train. As they walked away, Sirius caught James' eye. It was the first time he had ever openly called Euphemia 'Mum'. He had written it on the Mothers Day cards and presents but that was it. James just winked at him as they walked down to their usual carriage. They began talking about all the usual things on the first day of school - namely Quidditch. When James abruptly stopped responding and stared blankly ahead.

Sirius looked ahead to see what James was staring at so intently, and instantly realised what he was staring at. Or rather, who.

Lily Evans. The most beautiful girl James had ever seen.

With her fierce hair, and stunning eyes it was a miracle James managed to take his eyes off her and continue walking to his friends. For the past few months, Lily was all he could think about. The way she lit up whenever she gained points for Gryffindor. The way she laughed with her entire body. The way her eyes reflected the light in just the right way.

The problem was she couldn't stand him. It sucked. Something about her called out to him. Sirius often joked that it was the fact he couldnt have her that made him want her. James couldn't put his finger on what it was that made Lily stand out. It wasnt like he hadnt dated anyone before - he just didnt feel like this about them. 

"You okay Prongs?" Sirius said, attempting to get James' attention.

James shock himself out of the day dream before he nodded and threw an arm around Sirius. "This year is going to be my year. I refuse to graduate unless I'm dating Lily Evans."

Rolling his eyes, Sirius turned back around. "She cant stand you mate."

James tilted his head slightly as he agreed. "Right now that's true. But I'll just turn on the ol' Prongs charm. You'll see Padfoot. She'll be like putty in my hands." 

"Are you asking for a double eye roll boy? There are plenty of nice girls in our year - heck go a year below. Go two years below. But I'd say thats the limit otherwise you may get a call from the boys in blue." 

Chuckling, James thought back to the past summer. Sirius had spent almost every day at his, watching episodes of The Bill. It was a muggle TV show that James had discovered one day whilst house sitting for his muggle neighbours. Since then, they had been hooked.

To most peoples surprise, James' parents were fine with muggle technology. Since they lived in a muggle village, there wasnt much magic around meaning it wasnt tampered with. Granted they had to be coated in some magic solution Fleamont had whipped up, but still. It wasnt like there was buckets of technology around anyway.

Finally, Sirius and James reached their carriage. The same carriage they had all become friends in all those years ago. Sitting there waiting for them were their two best friends, Remus and Peter. They were sat throwing paper airplanes at each other.

"Come on Prongs. Lets go be seventh years."

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