"More like Jackass," I murmur.

"What you just say?" he asked, crossing his arms.

"Oh nothing..." I reply with a sly smirk.

"That's what I tho-" he tried  saying but I cut him off.

"Just that you are more like a Jackass kinda guy," I said plainly, he growled. And pins me up against the head board. I yawn, "Why are you trying to look mean I know your not?" Giggling at his shocked face, he let go and sat up. So I decided I should try my luck. "And also I don't like this chain so..." with that I slip my foot out of the chain, I dart to the window and jump out of it.

I land on the ground and start to run I see the oh so nice beta and some pack warriors or that I don't care crap they call them. Anyway back to the running part they were all in their wolf form, while I, being the awesome one that I am, I was still in my human form. I run and run I hear a arrow fly by me. Crap, why hunters why! "Hey hunters over here," I yelled at them. They jump down and start to chase me not even noticing the oh so beta and pack soldiers.

"You," they snarl.

"Yes, I know you missed me," I said cheekily with a smirk while still running I see my mate with his beta just questioning this situation.

My mate called to me, "There's a cliff up a head!"

"Ok! You guys stay back. I know what I am doing.... I think," I mumble the last part to myself. "They came here to get me so just stay back I have handled this for like 7 years." I kept running and here is the oh so wonderful cliff!

"Oh look, is the red wolf cornered?" taunted a hunter.

I look at the beta and my alpha mate to see them have shocked expressions. "Not really," I said, shrugging. The hunters looked confused as does everyone else. I walk back and jump off the cliff. The hunters notch their bows and I already saw there was water when I turned around so. Yea. I start doing flips to doge the arrows but one got its self lodge into my abdomen. That hurts like hell. I finally hit the water to see the hunters sliding down the slope. I get out of the water and grab my dagger that I keep in my boot I pull it out and get in a firing stance.

They come down and pull out their twin swords. I grab my other dagger that I keep in my hoodie. I wait till they make their first move but I can't wait for ever because I am still bleeding. Oh yeah, I should probably pull that out. I pull it out and try not to gasp from pain or wince but I keep my face blank. Lila you ready? I ask my wolf.

Hell yeah. I just found my mate I am not losing him now. she said. I inwardly chuckle at her words.

Then I lunge at the first hunter and take him by surprise by stabbing him in the abdomen. He falls so I go for the hunter on the right. Swiftly, I swing my danger but he blocks I sweep his legs out from under him and stab him directly in the heart. Then I look at the one on the left and the one who I stabbed in the abdomen. I get stabbed by the one on the left in the shoulder, so I slit his  throat. I then turn to the one in the middle he comes at me but I do a flip over him I added a twist so I landed and stabbed him in the back of the head and I just drop to the ground having shallow breaths. They were all dead but I will be any second with those cursed blades and arrows that had silver and wolfsbane.
I think it may of also had something that is poisonous red wolves.

I see my mate with the beta come running down the slope. I just stand up and walk around trying to keep both me and my wolf up.

You ok, Lila? I ask, wincing as I took another step.

No not really. I am in so much pain, she said truly.

It's ok give me all the pain. You can die since all the poisonous stuff they had on those blades, I say.

She grumbles but complies. Fine here you go. Pain filled my every vein. I fall to the ground and curl up into a ball.

"What's going on?" I hear my mate growl.

"T-took th-the p-pa-in aw-ay f-from Li-la," I say, stuttering

"Shh, it's going to be alright," Jacks soothed me and then picked me up and started to run.

When we got to the border, he tells his beta, "Mind-link the pack Doctor."

"Ok," replies the Beta and his eyes fog over so you are able to tell that he his mind-linking.

"Hang on," the alpha tells me. Then I pass out from pain.


Hey guys, this is Anne_Martin16 , Maylee_'S editor. Sorry it took so long to finally get around to this. Don't worry, I'll be around and keep her on her toes to update.

See ya!

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