The Next Day

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Lucy's POV

I wake up and check my phone. It's 10 am. Then I check my notifications because I get a lot from Twitter, mainly from people tweeting, but some are from a few people liking and retweeting my tweets. I should probably mention that I am a YouYuber and so is Jessica, but we aren't very big so we still need to work and stuff and luckily today I have off. After I look through all of my Twitter notifications I see that I have four messages from Andrew that was sent at 8:30.

A: hey
A: good morning
A: how did you sleep?
A: you can call me when you wake up if you want

M: hey, sorry I sleep late when I don't have to work and I slept ok

A: can I call you?

M: hold on, I need to shower and eat breakfast

A: ok, text me when you're done then

M: ok, I will

A: bye

M: bye

I pick out my clothes and head to the bathroom. I picked out my favorite BVB shirt, and my favorite leggings that have bats on them. After my shower I went out into the kitchen and found some red velvet poptarts! I grab a one and head over to the living room and turn on the TV. Nothing was on, so I put in my disc of the first season of Spongebob....don't judge. Soon Jess came in and sat down next to me and started watching it with me. We were on the episode of Tea at the Tree Dome, one of our favorites! I look down at my phone and see I have another message from him.

A: I'm not going to be able to talk later tonight, I'm going to a BVB concert

I freeze and look over at Jess. "Jess..."

She looks at me. "Yes?"

"Isn't Black Veil Brides playing in Ohio tonight?" I ask and she nods her head. "Fuck..."


"That dude is going to their concert tonight." I say and she freezes too."

"He could live anywhere in Ohio, probably far away since he's going to the Cleveland show and not the Cincinnati one next week." She suggests.

"Yeah, but we also live almost in the middle between Cinci and Cleveland, what if he lives near us and just decided to go to the Cleaveland one instead of the Cinci one." I explain.

"Well, number one rule: no meeting him." She says and I agree. She goes back to watching Spongebob and I text him back.

M: lucky, I wanted to go, but I don't have enough money

A: you live in Ohio too?

M: yeah

A: where at? Maybe we could meet

M: that's classified, I don't even know what you look like

He send a picture of a guy standing next to Andy Biersack. The guy wasn't that bad looking, he had black hair and blue eyes, the death of me, and kinda pale.

A: is this good enough?


A: yeah, he's a pretty cool guy

M: I bet, I would die if I ever got to meet him

A: please don't, you're to pretty to die

M: *blushy emoji*

A: hehe, can we call now?

M: idk, we're watching Spongebob rn, and I need to film a new YouTube video

A: ooh! You have a YouTube?

M: yeah, its Lucy Kites

A: ok, I'll go subscribe to it and watch some videos, ttyl

M: ok, ttyl

After we finish that episode of spongebob I say that we need to film a video.

"What should we do?" Jess asks.

"How about we play quizzes to see who's a bigger fan of bands." I say.

"You're most likely going to win, but ok."

We both tweet out to give us some bands for us to do the quiz I we got MIW, PTV, FIR, BVB, BOTDF, SWS, AND PVRIS. We start to set things up and I explain for MIW I only know two songs and I like them, PTV I don't really like the music, but I'm not a hater, and PVRIS I've heard of them but don't listen to them.

As we are taking the quiz for BVB I get a Twitter notification. I freeze.

"Are you ok?" Jess asks, and I stand up and scream.



I start jumping up and down from excitement and soon I'm out of breath. I sit back down so I can try and catch my breath. "I don't know if I can finish a video after that." I say.

"Too bad, we ain't quitting the video because you got a new follower"


We eventually finished the video and I uploaded it. I tweeted the video and also tweeted a screen shot of Andy following me. My phone blew up with tweets saying I was lucky and everything. I already follow my followers, so I couldn't really do anything to cheer them up and I felt bad. It was already 5 pm, and I was kinda getting hungry. I've been trying to save a little extra money, so I know what to do for dinner.

I walk into Jess's room and with a huge grin I say, "I have an idea for dinner."

"Should I be scared?"

"Just follow me." We get in my car and I put in the CD Everyone's Out to Get Me by Get Scared. It takes about 30 minutes to get to the restaurant. Once she sees where we are pulling in she gets excited.

"How are we paying for this?!?"

"I saved up $75." I grin and we walk into the Japanese steakhouse. I've eaten here three times, but she's never been here. We get seated and we order our food. I didn't bring my camera, so I start recording on my phone. "Hey guys! We're at a Japanese steakhouse and this is Jessica's first time to one!" I point the camera at her and she smiles and waves. I stop and I don't record again until the chef comes out. I made sure to try and get him and Jess in the frame cuz I wanted to record what he was doing and her reaction. I record everything and stop when its time to eat. Like always, it tastes amazing and it was funny trying to get her to eat the shrimp.


"Come on, I don't like shrimp but I think it tastes awesome." I explain.

"No, its nasty!"

"Fine, more for me!" I say and I take her shrimp.

Soon we get really full and can't eat anymore so we get two to go boxes. After that we pay and leave. I check the time and it's 7 pm. "We could've been at a BVB concert by now." I wine. "To make up for it I'm putting in our favorite BVB CD." Before I drive out of the parking lot I put in the Wretched and Devine CD and turn it up really loud.

When we get home I edit the short vlog and post it. We watch some more Spongebob then we go to bed.

***************************** I decided I'm going to post this chapter because on my phone it says there's 2 views and on my laptop it says there's 6 views, but I'm gonna wait this time until there are maybe 8 or 10 views. I already have a few chapters done and I promise it does get better. Thank you for reading, luv you <3

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