“Lou we have to head to Tayla’s cousins house to get her bags!” I say excitedly, I have not been able to stop jumping around.

We arrive at Sienna’s I know Sienna so I go and give her a hug. We small talk to with sienna until Harry comes out to help Tayla with her bags. Sienna’s jaw drops. She looks at me and I smile. “OI Haz! This is Sienna, Niall get your fat butt out of the car! You to Lou!” I order people around a lot.

Harry comes over and hugs Sienna and asks her how she is. Niall does the same and so does Lou. Dream come true for Sienna.

“Thanks Sien for letting me stay with you! I will come visit you before we leave London! See ya Cuz love you!” Tayla waves at Sienna and hugs her quickly.

We have decided to all sit in the back seat there are only 3 seats but there are four of us. So I jump onto Niall’s lap, he holds me around my waist and Harry pulls Tayla closer to him. I am so glad those to have sorted things out. They are so much better than bitch face Amanda and Harry.

Tayla’s POV

I have my best friend back I have my other friends back and I have Harry back to. Seeing Dani made me realise how much I actually missed her. I was so stupid to lose contact with her and the rest of them to! I just love all of them and Harry and yeah.

Harry and I sorted things out, he told me he loved me. I love him. He loves me. Are we together? Well everyone did see us kiss so even if we wanted to keep it kind of private for a bit it is already out!

Dani and Niall have become so much closer and it is so cute and amazing.


I couldn’t ask for anything better.

Right now we are sitting in the car. We are going to talk about everything tonight so Dani puts on music. Story of my life comes on. Niall and Harry look at each other and chuckle “SHHHH LET US SING TO YOU!” Dani hushes Niall and I look at Harry. They both shut up and let Dani and I sing.

Dani and I look at each other and begin. I sing Harry’s part then Dani then me then Dani starts the first chorus and then I come in and sing harmonies. The boys look impressed and start to add some bits to it. Its amazing to sing with them.

I look at Dani and smile. This is the life.

We arrive at the apartment and Harry takes my bags upstairs for me while I walk hand in hand with Dani. We walk up the stairs and into the lounge room where all the others were waiting. They decide this is a good time to tackle us to the ground. Dani and I hit the ground and piss ourselves laughing. They have a habbit of this.

They help us up and make their way to their bedrooms to get dressed for dinner. We aren’t going very dressy just casual because I think we are going to Nandos. I hope so.

20 minutes later everyone is ready. Niall takes Dani’s hand and leads her out and Harry takes mine kissing the back of my hand and leading me out. Paul is last to come out and switches the lights off before exiting.

We arrive at the restaurant moments later. I was right it was Nandos!

Nialls face lights up, and so does Dani they both bolt inside, idiots.

We all sit in a massive booth, it goes from one end to the other in a ‘U’ shape. Paul, Louis, Niall, Dani, Me, Harry, Zayn, Liam and Lou. These are my favourite people ever.

We order some food and drinks and get talking. I tell them all about what happened and the whole time Harry was grasping my leg. I put my hand on his, which made him look at me. I smiled, he smirked and quickly kissed me. The boys around the table started making fun of us and teasing us. So I buried my head in his chest. It was lots of fun at the table.

We ignored all the fans and paps and told them it was a private dinner, most respected us which was good there was only the occasional people who Paul would have to make leave.

I am very lucky to have what I have.

Dani’s POV

I finish my dinner around 5 minutes after I get it. I thought I had been the only one but it turns out Niall ate in pretty much one bite “I AM SO FAT! I love it!” I exclaim, Niall agrees with me holding his stomach “Me too don’t worry!” We both sit uncomfortably in our chairs holding our stomachs. I ate way to fast.

Tayla gives me a look to say that I am stupid so I take her piece of chicken on her plate and scoff it down my throat. “Hey! That was mine!” Her voice rising higher. She giggles, “I will not have to eat your food to if you don’t look at me like that!” I laugh at my own comment I sound like a dick. Anyway my dinner was really good.

Now I have to sit here waiting for everyone else to finish. We are still talking so I am not being completely bored. “Can I take a twitter photo and upload it to the One Direction page to them know we are back together?” I ask everyone. They all look at me and nod theirs heads.

They are not the only ones happy that we are all back.

I get one of the ladies behind the counter to take a photo with all of us in it. We all lean into Tayla. She moves herself to Harry’s lap so we can all get closer I scoot in next to Harry and put my arm around Niall, he put his arm around my waist holding me close to him. The rest of the boys lean in to Tayla while Lou leans against Liam and Paul moves closer to Louis.

The lady takes the photo and smiles at us. We all move back to our own seats and pass the picture around the table so that we can all see. It is a great photo! I log onto the One Direction twitter and upload the photo with a comment

One Direction – She is back everyone! Dinner celebrations with Tayla. REUNITED. XO

I tag all the boys in it and Tayla and myself, even Lou.

Seconds and minutes later the fans are going crazy. They make me chuckle. I really like the word chuckle.

When everyone finishes their dinner Paul says something that makes us all really excited “Desert on the beach anyone?” He states.

“YES OMH YES!” I scream, Tayla screams something similar, so does Lou, the boys are quite calm about it, they just laugh at us girls.

Desert on the beach, to end a perfect day. Wouldn’t mind if I do.

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