Chapter 2 (Murphy's P.O.V.)

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Tugging at my shirt nervously, Conner put his hands on my shoulders.

"I think it looks great, you like it?" he said, looking in the mirror at the reflection of me in the suit.

"I'dda know, they're all so itchy, why cna't I just get married in jeans and a t-shirt?"  Conner shook his head and sat down on a bench as I started to take it all off.

"Cause it's not proffesional! Ya wanna look good on ya big day, don't cha?"

"Well, yea, but does lookin' good always have to be painful?  BRia was tellin' me the other day that there are always sacrefices to lookin' good or dressin' well, and now I understand."  I put my boots back on and tucked my crucefix into my shirt.  "See?"  I said, spreading my arms out.  "I would rather wear this than be stuck in a tux, itchy and uncomfortable for hours on end!"

Conner just laughed and shook his head some more.

"And on a similar note of uncomfortableness, she wants me to invite Romeo to the wedding,"  I say, plopping down on the bench beside him.  He immediatly stops laughing and looks at me with the 'you're joking, right?' look.  I give him the look right back.

"Well, it's not that bad, really.  You haven't seen him in three years, I think it would be good for ya.  I consider for a moment actually seeing Romeo at my wedding after so many years.

"It would be good to see him...but Bria's never met him and if she knew how he is I doubt she'd want him at her wedding,"  I say, thankful for an actual excuse not to invite him.

"Hmmm....Touche.  And about Bria... did you ever figure out what disease she has?"

For a second I thought he was serious.  "What? Bria's not sick."

"Well, it's not really a disease, it's just whatever made her want to marry you."

The next thing Coner knows, there's a shoe flying at his head.

Me wee Irish wedding - A Boondock Saints fanfiction(:Where stories live. Discover now