a n g e r

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It's the 27th of May.You wake up in your eggplant pajamas,eat breakfast and get dressed for a pokemon hunt,You see a rare Pepe in your sightings,so you run toward it,and you jog 18 blocks and guess what?You're now in the hood and all you've caught a wild Harambe.You're pissed.You scream out ''I fucking hate you Harambe!You're a basic bitch!pokemon GOO KYS and white out!''

and suddenly,you're running home as fast as your legs can,with tears streaming down your cheeks,because Harambe betrayed you.You're in your driveway now and you throw your phone to your driveway,and your phone shatters into a million pieces,just like your heart.Your parents scream at you,because now you can't get a new phone due to the contract,so you glue it back together with Gorilla Glue, *sigh* there's always reminders..You go to bed because you're very exhausted and not hungry,you drift into your dreams. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2016 ⏰

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