Iknow what you did.

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Roc POV:

I was in my room with Alix and we were just hanging out. We were in the corner of my room just lying there. She was lying on face side up on my chest with her legs on the wall. She is so pretty and nice when you get to know her well.

Me: Okay now here is another one.

Alix: Okay what is it.

Me: When did you start puberty?

Alix: Why did you ask me that?

Me: Well because I think that I should know before I do this.

I gave her a soft kiss on her lips and she kissed back. I was so happy when we started hanging out. I had licked. the bottom of her lip and she let me in. We started to deepen the kiss when I heard a knock at my room door. We stopped kissing and I went to go open the door.

Desiree: Hey babe and why is my sister here?

Alix: We were just hanging out is that a problem.

Desiree: Roc are you cheating on me?

Alix: I think I should go for the day.

Me: Alix you don't have to leave if you don't want to.

Desiree: Yeah sister maybe you should leave.

Me: Like I said she can stay and don't come up in here like that.

Desiree: Roc you are cheating on me.

Me: No your cheating on me because I saw you and some dude making out and that was yesterday.

Alix: Okay really need to go.

Desiree and I both saw the fact that she was crying. I hope she doesn't feel bad about us kissing or anything.

Alix: I hate fighting and and drama because I hate when couples break up. Thats why I am so shy and quiet because.in afraid I might never find a guy that is right for me so please stop fighting and make up with sex or something.

I love you. *A Chresanto August love story*Where stories live. Discover now