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I am not your average girl. 

I think too much,

Write too much,

Cry too much, 

Laugh too much,

Starve myself too  much,

Get broken too easily, 

Shut down too fast, 

I'm too weird,

Hide myself where no one can find me too often;


I'm known as the most tumblr {grunge} person ever...

How does this even work? I didn't ask to be this way. 

I didn't ask to be born,

I didn't ask to fall for a guy who honestly didn't love me,

I didn't ask to self-harm.. I just felt someway, grabbed the razor and had at it...

Call me weirdo, psycho, or whatever you want to. I'm not bothered by what you have to say. 

Because no matter how badly you treat me I know that there's still good in you, and that one day you'll come back and ask for me to forgive you. 

And on that day, 

I will...

I am an  infiniteweirdo and I'm proud to be one. I rule over all you normal people because weirdos like me rule. 

Whimsically BlaineWhere stories live. Discover now