C H A P T E R : 1

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C H A P T E R : 1

The mail letter

     When we got the letter in the post my mother was ecstatic. She had already

decided that our problems were solved, gone forever. The big hitch in her brilliant

plan was me. I didn't think I was disobedience daughter but this was where I drew

the line.

I didn't want to be royalty.

And I didn't want to be a One.

I didn't even want to try.

      I hid in my room, the only place to avoid the chattering of our full house, trying

to come up with an argument that would sway her. So far, I had a solid collections

of honest opinions . . . none of these will she listen to.

     I couldnt avoid her any longer. It was approaching dinner time, and it was mine

turn to prepare with mom for dinner. I pulled myself out of bed and walked to the

snake pit of doom.

I got a glare from mom, but no words.

     We did is silent dance to the kitchen and dining room as we prepare chicken

pasta and apple slices and set the table for 5. If I glanced up from a task she would

looked at me with her fierce oook as she could shame me into wanting the same

things she did. She tried that very so often. Like if i didn't want to take on a

particular job because I  knew our family hosting what are necessarily rude. Or if

she wanted me to do a massive cleaning when we couldn't afford to have a Six come

and help.

Sometimes it worked. Sometimes it didn't and this was one area I was unbelievable.

     She couldnt stand it when I was stubborn.

But I got that from her, she shouldnt have been suprised.

This wasnt just about me, though.

Mom had been tense lately.

November was ending soon we will be facing the coldest time of the year, and

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