Chapter 1

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Today is the day. My last day of high school. My friends Caylee and Jade pick me up as usual. I am really going to miss them when i head off to college. If I go to college. My parents are always bugging me about soccer scholarships and how I should have tried harder on my grades and test scores. They always wanted the perfect child. Considering the fact that my older sister is an alcoholic and parties everyday.    The school day went normally. I rushed right home to start packing. I'm going to L.A. for 2 months to think things over before I do whatever I chose too. I pack my whole closet in 3 suitcases squeezing everything in. Forever 21and Abercrombie is my weakness. I look at the clock,its already 3:30 AM!My flight leaves at 9. Doesn't look like I will be getting much sleep. 

My mom wakes me up at 7 and makes breakfast. This is the one thing I will miss in the next 2 months. 

"I'm going to miss you so much Mary" my mom says crying.

'Im going to miss you too mom' I say realizing a tear streaming down my face. We hugged and saif=d our final goodbyes. Next stop L.A.


'Knock it off" I scream as Louis throws Nerf darts at me. I hate/love the boys. 'I found out whose moving into the house next door" Liam exclaims. 

'Who?'I snap back quickly. Im so anxious to find out who I will be spending the next 2 and a half months with. 

'Some girl named Mary, she's actually from Ireland, Niall.'

My eyes lit up.

"Yeah she just graduated high school so shes just around our age." 

Finally. A girl. Our management rents this beach house out for us every year. Lat year a old lady stayed there and barely ever left the back porch. This will be a good summer.

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