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Gems. Four of them! One of them was purple, with a white shirt and black pants. Her hair flowed to her feet and covered one eye. Her gem was peeking out from the top of her shirt, on her chest. The second was taller than the first, and skinnier too. She had a long nose and wore pink shorts, and a blue tank top tied with a ribbon. Her hair was pushed back into a point, and her white gem was located on her forehead. The third was even taller, and had massive square black hair. Her pointy sunglasses hid her eyes, and she wore a jump suit that was light pink on her torso, black on one leg and red on the other. The forth, however, was different. He did not have colored skin like gems her father told her about. His skin was human colored, his hair was black and bouncy, and his gem on his stomach was glowing through his red shirt. Almandine hid behind a tree and watch them fight the monster with talent and agility. The monster's form poofed away and the tallest one caught the gem falling from the monster's cheek. The human colored one celebrated, giving the others high-fives. Then he look over at Almandine, half behind a tree. She yipped and swung around the tree's trunk, panicking and trying to think straight for even just a second. She pulled herself together just in time for the human gem to come around the tree, scaring Almandine to her core. Instinctively, she pulled her bow out and aimed for his head. "WOAH calm down there. I don't bite," The human gem said , trying to comfort Almandine. "Who are you. What are you doing here." Almandine said, her aggressive personality shining through. "M-My name's Steven. I was here to get that gem monster over there." He gestured to the space where Almandine had just watched them fight. "Who are they?" Almandine spit out the last word as she nodded toward the three other gems, waiting impatiently for Steven. "Oh, the small one is Amethyst, The taller one is Pearl, and the Tallest one is Garnet!" Steven said with joy in his eyes. " Do- do you live here?" Steven asked. "I wouldn't call it living, more barley surviving." Red asked, putting away her weapon. "Who lives with you do you have a family?" He asked. "Used to. now its just  me."  sighed as the memories of her father came rushing in, "Well, I have some good news for you, ..uh," "Almandine. Call me Al." Al filled the empty space of Steven unsureness. "I have good news for you Al! You can come live with us!!"

Sorry this was kinda short, making the next one right away :D

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