Author's Note

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Now, a final farewell from the author who created an alternate universe where an Alderaan orphan became a hero and martyr. It's been quite an adventure, hasn't it? A couple years ago, I was just a young girl who'd just made an account on here and thought 'Y'know, I should start a Star Wars fan-fic. It won't be anything fancy, just something to do in case I get bored'. And look where we are now. Three books later and we've reached the end. It's been great, everyone. A real adventure. A journey. An exciting, thrilling experience full of danger, heartbreak, death, and love. And I've enjoyed every second of it. I wouldn't trade any of this for the world. Thank you all for following this series for as long as you all have. Your support is really what keeps me going and I want to thank you all for your votes, your comments, and your love for my stories.

It's been a pleasure to write for you.

May the Force be with you all,



Just kidding! I'm working on the prologue for the forth book right now and planning out the plot for the next three. I'll update this story once I have Assassin Book 4 up and ready to go to let you guys know.

You didn't think I'd just stop here, did you? :)

I love you guys!


Assassin (A Star Wars Fan-Fiction) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now