Chapter Seventeen:Bisky Plays Matchmaker♡♡♡

Start from the beginning

I frown on that thought as Killua calls me.

Time skip.....

When Bisky-sensei have announce that we are heading to Masadora in a straight way. We bought some wheelbarrow and shovels. Kurapika is slowly getting on his hand to hand combat as well using his chain(The chain that he used when the Nostrade Family are hiring bodyguards) efficiently.

Actually....Bisky-sensei is training Gon and Killua about Nen while Kurapika is on stamina and strength.

The groups would be....

Group A:Killua and Me

Group B:Kurapika and Gon

Third Person POV

"Ne Kurapika-san can I ask you question?"

"Sure."Kurapika answer

"Do you have romantic feelings to someone"Bisky asks that caught Kurapika surprise way as a small tint of pink forming on his cheeks

Bisky mentally smirks. Kurapika made his normal face. "Yes...I do..but I doubt she doesn't have the same feelings"Kurapika says quietly as Killua pretended not to heard everything.

"Are you sure? She may have the same feelings as yours?"

Kurapika just sigh as he continue to dig further.

Akane's POV

After  digging, we  finally came to Masadora. Killua, Gon and  Kurapika we're  full of  dirt and dust. The  boys  are  panting in out of breathe while Bisky-sensei and I are presentable.

"The next thing we are going to is sell the monster cards and purchase some protective spell cards!"Bisky-sensei says.

While at it, Bisky-sensei seems planning something because she is somewhat smirking. Maybe I am just imagining this -__-

"By the way Akane, wouldn't you mind if fetch some cooking ingridients that we need tonight and Kurapika-san can you help Akane-san?"



Holding blue shopping basket, Kurapika and I head were looking some ingridients. I wouldn't like to list some names.

"Finally some apples!" I spotting a tree from a far.

"Is it on the first list?" Kurapika asks

"Yeah.." I was about to go ahead first but I felt Kurapika's hand grab my forearm, I race a brow as a huge roar erupted on the area.

A group 9 giant cyclopes emerged from the underground roaring loudly. By the looks of it they are guarding the apples.

"I think you should have read the list." Kurapika said

On the other side.....

Bisky triumph in excited as she explained on why she asks Kurapika and Akane on buying exotic ingredients for tonight's dinner.

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