"Behind a rock. It was really big."

"Were you able to protect her well?"


"Are you sure she was safe?"

"I'm pretty fucking sure that she was safe in my arms." Louis heated up. I placed my hand on his shoulder, and he took a deep breath.

"Well...from what I've seen before their names are John And Guy. We don't know of their bosses name but we know their 'station' is somewhere in this town. The boss was in jail once, but escaped. His records 'got lost' and he legally changed his name so we don't even know who he is now. He could be anyone really." At least he was more helpful than the woman on the phone.

"And what are you going to do about this all? The lady on the phone said she couldn't do anything. A load of bullshit."

"We obviously can do something. They're putting me on the case to try and find them."

"Good." Louis crossed his arms.

"I might need to come here from time to time just to I inform you of information. Thank you for the help."

Louis's POV:

My ass I didn't protect her. He knew damn well I protected her with all my strength. "Thank you for your help." I followed the policeman out the door. Ally was still on the couch.

Once he was by his car, I stopped him. "You're going to do everything you can right?"

"Yes sir. You're in good hands."

"Thank you. I'm sorry I blew up in there. She just means a lot to me, ya know?"

"You two are dating I suppose?" I wish.

"No. Just good friends." He nodded.

"Well, I'll keep in contact. By sir." He hopped into his car, pulling out of the driveway. I walked back into the house, where I saw Ally in the kitchen. She's cleaning. I rushed in and stopped her.

"What did I tell you Allison?"

"You were busy. Don't get mad." Don't yell Louis. Don't yell Louis.

"Please Allison. Stop cleaning. I want your stay to be nice." I said in my most soothing voice. She's lucky I like her. A lot.

"Well, my dad is picking me up in about 10 minutes anyways." Fucking great. I hate that man. So much. He just makes me so mad, he doesn't deserve a daughter like Ally.

"Oh. Ok." I knew she probably wanted to go home though, despite her awful living conditions. Her house wasn't big. It was incredibly small. Sure it was all they needed, but the guy never kept it clean. Ally was constantly cooking and cleaning. It was awful. That's why I don't want her cleaning, she does enough as it is.

"Let me go upstairs and return some of Lottie's clothes. I'll give you these when I see you next time." She scurried up the stairs, and I heard her walking all around upstairs.

I continued cleaning dishes, and tidying it up. I did this all the time. This was different than Ally. Her dad can do work, he doesn't. My mum works very long hours, and she always works around the house when she can.

20 minutes later, I'm done cleaning. Ally is still upstairs and I can bet she's tidying up the whole house. The doorbell rang. Her father. He's 10 minutes late.

I walked to the door and opened it. He looked sleazy, disgusting. He shot me a smile, and I rolled my eyes. "I'm here for Ally." No shit Sherlock.

"Ally, your father is here."

"Be down in a sec." I turned back to the awful man in front of me. Goddammit Ally hurry up.

"How are you Louis?"

"You're not even going to ask if your daughter is ok?"

"I'm sure she was fine." Holy shit.

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Is there a problem?"

"Oh I don't know. Your daughter almost gets fucking kidnapped and you don't even care! She does everything for you, and you dot even give a flying shit! She could've gotten taken if it weren't for me." He rubbed his nose with his hand.

"Well was she fine?"

"Of course she was ok. Because she was with me." I crossed my arms.

"See I knew that." Yeah fucking right.

"Did you even call the police?"

"No." He looked down at his shoes. Now you get it.

"Well luckily I was there to do it for you." He licked his crooked teeth.


"You aren't even a good father!" I screamed at him. I don't care if he's her father or not. He's an ass.

"You don't have a right to say that!"

"Oh yeah? Of course I do."

"You know nothing of our relationship."

"I know enough." I started clenching my fists.

"Really? What about you?"

"What about me?!"

"You are not a good friend to her." My mouth literally dropped open. I don't care if Ally hates me, I'm gonna punch him straight in the face.

"I'm here!" Ally said. I turned around to face Ally. Great. "Thank you Louis!" She hugged me, yet I was still facing her father. He smirked at me, then she let go. "I'll text you."

Then she walked out the door with her piece of shit father that I was starting to hate more than ever.

There's your double update! If you live in America, have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I love you all!

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