Faustia Marrianna Inazuma

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Date this form was created: August 31,2016

Full name of Character: Faustia Marrianna Inazuma

Reason, meaning or purpose behind the name: None

Nickname: Faust, Fausty

Reason for nickname: Shortened Name

Race: Weakened God

Occupation/class: Assassin

Social class: None

.:|Physical Appearance|:.

Age: 1487?

How old they appear: 14

Eye Color: Golden

Glasses or contacts? Reading Glasses

Hair color length and style: Silver; 3ft long; straight with a flip

Weight and height: 176lbs; 5'1

Type of body (build): Chubby

Skin tone and type (i.e., harry, slimy, scaly, oily, fair, burns easily): Fair; Pale

Shape of face: Slightly round

Distinguishing marks (dimples, moles, scars, birthmarks, etc.): None

Predominant feature: Fox ears protruding from head

Is s/he healthy? Yes

If not, why not? Or why are they healthy? N/A

Do they look healthy? Why/why not? Yes


Character's favorite color: Red

Least favorite, why? Brown, Seems too bland

Music? Rock Music

Least favorite music, why? Alternative, just hates it

Food: Limbs; whether raw or cooked, sweets

Literature: None

Expressions: Derpy; Happy

Expletives (curse): none

Mode of transport: Walking/Running

Hobbies: Fighting and Playing


Habits: Chewing on living peoples limbs, not taking things seriously

Greatest Strength: Has an easy time making friends, loves being around people and helping

Greatest Weakness: Can be very gullible

Soft spot: Seeing people cry over the death of a loved one

Is their soft spot obvious, why/why not: Yes, because his hair flares up in anger

If not, how do they hide it:

Biggest Vulnerability: While hunting for food; will be very focused on it

Most at ease when: With someone he loves whether family or significant other

Most ill at ease when: A friend is unhappy with him or someone else

Priorities: Keeping his friend safe

Philosophies: n/a

How they feel about themselves: Not completely comfortable with self; self-conscious

Past failure they would be embarrassed to admit: N/A



Hometown: Unknown

Type of childhood: Unknown

First Memory: Meeting senri

Most important child hood event that still effects him/her: Unknown


Education: Self Taught, very knowledgeable

Religion: none

Finances: none


Mother: unknown

Relationship with her:

Father: unknown

Relationship with him:

Siblings, How many, relationship with each: none

Children of siblings:

Other extended family:

Close? Why or why not:


Optimist or pessimist? Why? Optimist

Introvert or extrovert? Why? Introvert

Drives and motives: to make a meaning in life

Talents: Fighting & Cooking

Extremely skilled at: Cooking

Extremely unskilled at: Building/Assembling things

Good characteristics: Always seems happy and care free

Character flaws: Doesn't know how to handle negative emotions


How do they relate to others: experiencing similar situations as others

How are they perceived by strangers: Rather weird

Friends: Weird yet fun and cute

Wife/husband/lover: n/a

The Hero/Heroin: n/a

How do they view the Hero/Heroine: n/a


How do they react in a crisis: Panic

How do they face problems: Panic but eventual tries to fix it

Kind of problems they usually run into: too many to think of

How they react to new problems: panic

How they react to change: depends on how big the change


Favorite clothing, why: Casual

Least favorite, why: Formal

Jewelry: None

Other accessories: Summoned Golden Claw Gauntlets (Weapon)

~Powers and Abilities~

Inhuman Strength

Inhuman Speed/Dexterity


-Pillars: increase his speed as long as he stays on them. Usually hops from one to another in order to keep speed up

-4 elemental claymores: Fire: Flaming claymore with flames sitting at 587 degrees Fahrenheit

Water: Blue Claymore that allows the user to shoot out water towards an opponent

Earth: A brown claymore who's gravitational pull increase by 300% towards the ground in order to increase damage

Wind: Green claymore that allows the user to send razor sharp gusts of wind toward their opponent.

Eyes of Black Sun: High cost move that causes the sun to blacken over in order to mimic a solar eclipse when activated. Strengthens user for a short amount of time.

Golden Blood: Due to past affiliations with the fabled golden kingdom, corruptive golden blood surges through his veins having chance of potentially possessing him. However, this blood gives him a massive boost to his current abilities with the high potential of it also killing him if overused.

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