I felt Sam stop where he was, then he zoomed towards me and Quil. 

Quil was a couple of yards ahead of me when we all heard a shattering scream of terror. 

I didn’t want to go, knowing it was too late to do anything. I reached Quil’s brown, shaking body. His expression was so fierce, so…outraged. I felt sorry for the vampire he was going to take it out on.

We both charged in the thin opening, taking the vampires by surprise. The pack was behind us, followed by the Cullen’s.

I automatically scanned the forest, counting each set of blood red eyes. There was twenty. Then I saw Kellan. He was screaming in pain. He was sitting in a strange position, like his spine was wrong…

Then the ripping started. The pack was killing almost every vampire in sight. I saw a woman running towards me, I snapped her hand off before she could get a grip. 

I was sent into the fight in a daze, ripping apart the ones who needed ripping. 

Shane was enjoying himself, -he’d already killed six- him and Jacob were partners in this one.

Quil was beside me, snarling at a child-like vampire. She was smaller than Alice. But fierce like Jasper. Her walked was messed up; her leg got tore off.

She sprang at Quil, I jumped up and snagged off half of her body. We both ripped off chunks.

Carlisle and Esme were not in the fight, they were guarding Kellan. Emmett had two vampires in his grip, snapping both their heads off. Paul was stuck between two vampires closing on him. He chomped at one, she backed off, while her mate got closer. Embry saved him by tackling the man.

In total I killed at least five. Only two vampires remained.

They were in the tree, smiling evilly.

“You think this battle is over? Ha. We have many more, we will get you all, just like we got him,” She trilled, then she pointed down to Kellan. Then she starred at me. “Your sister is hurt, Seth. You’d better find her, before our coven does.” My breath caught, just like the rest of the pack’s.

Jasper climbed up the tree with Edward on the other side. Both of them crushed the vampires’ necks before they could say anything else.

Leah’s hurt! I whimpered.

Kellan was barley breathing when I looked at him. “S-Sam…Leah is all right, she l-lied. Stupid filthy blood sucker. They're s-smart...brilliant, even.”

Carlisle looked at Sam. “They broke his spine. I’m surprised he can talk. He can’t move,” Carlisle showed us Kellan’s broken arm. It had a bite mark on it.

“I’m sorry, Sam.” Carlisle said, “I cannot treat him, they broke every bone in his body,” as if to second it, Kellan screamed in pain.

“Please, please kill me, please!” He screamed. “It hurts, I can’t move, please!”

“Are you sure there’s no way, to fix him, please Carlisle,” Edward begged in Sam’s voice. 

Carlisle shook his head, his face looked like he’d lost his own.

“The venom is going to his heart, it’ll stop in a few minutes… there‘s no way to suck it out now, there‘s too much. His blood is too tainted. His healing process isn't working.”

The whole pack howled a heart breaking cry. Especially his best friend; Luke.

“P-please…D-Darren is hurt…they’re in F-Forks, go.” Kellan said, then he shut his eyes, the thrump-thrump sound of his heart cut off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2012 ⏰

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