Under the Willow Tree

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Zisa's family was a well-respected one. Her father was an advisor of Odin, one of the highest ranks there was under the mighty Allfather. Her mother was very well known throughout the land for her words of wisdom and advice. Her older brother was a mighty solider for the army of Odin, known for his speed and strength and was highly decorated with titles because of his work. Zisa, on the other hand, was the youngest child, old enough to be thoroughly educated, but not old enough for her to find a proper suitor and leave her home.

Even with Zisa’s fathers place under Odin, her father, Asmundr never moved his small family into the large, regal castle where they would be treated with respect. He wanted his children to be led a normal life, and felt that they did not belong in the palace of the royals. He was a humble man, but could be stern with his children. They lived in a small house that was far from Asmundr’s stress of being Odin’s adviser, but close enough to the palace in case of emergency.

Agni was the eldest son. A young man whom was tall, blond, and strong; nothing like the others of his family. It was always rumored that he was related to prince Thor because of their closeness in the way they acted and fought. Agni was only a teenager when he was asked to be a solider of Odin, and learned to wield a sword so well, his name was known throughout the village surrounding the palace. His parents were proud of him; there was no doubt about it.

Zisa was shy, quiet, petite and beautiful, much like her mother. Even though she kept to herself, she was extremely clever and caring. Her mother wanted her to have the best education she could possibly have, and that was what she received. People thought she did not need such rigorous teaching, knowing from her beauty that she would be married off as soon as she was of age, but her mother disagreed. Zisa was raised knowing she could do what she wanted with her life; though as time passed on she realized it wasn’t so easy. Men swarmed her wherever she went, all trying to court the well-known young woman.

Zisa was known from far and wide of her beauty. Her hair was described as waves of white gold flowing over her shoulders. Her lips were the color of rose quartz, and her eyes were like two aquamarine jewels surrounded by long eyelashes the color of black obsidian. Her skin was pale, but still emitted a soft glow. Zisa was a gentle, caring soul. Everything she did was for the comfort of others. Zisa never aimed to hurt anyone or their feelings, and it showed from the way people respected her.  

As amazing and beautiful as she was to everyone else’s eyes, she felt different. Zisa felt like she didn’t belong with everyone else. It was a reason why she was so quiet, to keep from embarrassing herself or making the feeling of not belonging worse. She was lonely on the inside, having only one friend she completely trusted out of her family, but she never let her loneliness show. Her father and mother silently urged her to find a suitor, hoping it would ease her pain of being desolated, but to no avail she never felt a connection with any man. There had been several relationships, but Zisa felt no real connection of love. To her, the men had no real urge to be married, but to pass the time with her until their true match came along. She felt like a play thing to them.

Though as she felt cold and empty on the inside, barely a soul knew of it. She would help children whenever they needed it, give advice, and anything else anyone needed. She did it to keep her father’s reputation, but when she was alone you would find her deep within her own thoughts.

Zisa’s family would often go to the majestic palace for celebrations, but Zisa usually stayed behind. She never liked being in a room with so many royals and Gods. She was greatly intimidated by each and every single person in the ballrooms, and could never enjoy herself. Her mother always worried for her daughter, but kept a safe distance to keep from making it worse. But one day, a week before the celebration of the Spring Solstice in Asgard, her father announced that the Zisa’s parents, brother and her, would all be attending the celebration to announce the end of winter. She argued with her father for several days, before giving in and agreeing with him, but little did she know going to the celebration could change the way she looked at herself, and everyone around her.

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