Buckleberry Farm

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Rosa woke up and looked In the mirror"OMG" she said, it looked like her hair had been through a hurricane overnight. She got dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen" what's for breakfast?" She asked" pancakes with golden syrup and whipped cream""yum" Every few minutes instinctively checked her phone for texts from her friends who she might never see again. "When do I start school mom?""Tomorrow, why?"" There will probably be wifi there.""Rosa," her dad asked"yes dad.""ready to get down and dirty outside, I need you to help me milk the cows and chop the Lambs tails off.""umm, I just got a text""funny I thought there was no wifi"her dad replied. 15minutes later Rosa's dad came in and handed her some denim overalls" put these on so you don't get your clothes dirty.""do we have to milk the cows and chop the tails off the lambs?, cause that's just mean.""yes we have to so they don't get poo on their tails and lure in the flies, otherwise they will lay eggs in the lambs bottom and they will hatch and infect the lamb and possibly kill it".They went outside and looked at the cows, then started milking"ewwww this is disgusting dad can I go inside?""no we need to get this done first". Rosa carried 2 buckets of milk to the house and put it into some plastic containers. After hours of work Rosa went inside, but dad stayed outside to feed the piglets. It was 11:30pm and Rosa still couldn't get to sleep. She was thinking about school, would it be cool, bad, fun, gay, bad, good, bad, or good. So many possibilities. Eventually she fell asleep, and before she knew it it was 7:30am and her alarm was blearing in her ear, she pressed snooze and dozed back off.

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