Rosa Sutton

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Rosa Sutton sat on the her bean bag in her room watching TV and texting her friends on her new iPhone 6s! Their apartment was facing the beach to the north, and to the south was a park for adults and kids with free wifi and a coffee stand, east and west there was no neighbours just a huge lawn with a huge trampoline, and out the back in front of the park was a clear water pool with gorgeous Aqua tiles and iron fencing, and the best part was that they lived in a good neighbourhood with no murders, robberies, rapes or abuses, nothing. It was all good until one day her parents told her to start packing up her room for they were moving, she asked where but her parent had already left the room. While she's packing I'll tell you about Rosa, she likes technology, wifi, TVs, some books, boys, definitely not school, sleeping, eating, her phone, family is important to her, and she hates the country. When she had finished she went back to her phone to answer a text from her boyfriend. Her parents called the moving truck and they started packing away her room, which was sad, this had been her first house and only house, her favourite house, she'd done all her firsts here eating, walking, swimming, boyfriend stuff. She jumped into the backseat of their Range Rover and headed towards their new home. Rosa tried to find an opening in their parents conversation to ask where they were going, but after a while, she got bored and went to sleep. She woke and realised they were out of the city, that meant she had to change schools, make new friends, she had to text her boyfriend.
She looked in her pocket then remembered she'd put it in her last box."Mom"Rosa asked her mom"yes sweetheart""Can we please pull over so I can text Jeremy?""We're nearly there sweetheart just a little longer""ok"  she replied. Her mom was shaking her when she awoke"Welcome to Buckleberry Farm."Rosa crawled out of the car, opened the back and pulled out the box holding her phone which was wrapped in 4 layers of bubble wrap and 1 layer of old newspaper. She shook her phone waiting for the Internet and wifi bars to come up"Mom where are the Internet and wifi bars?""we're out in the country where there is no wifi or no internet connection, it's amazing isn't it."Rosa stared at her phone then her mom then her dad who pretended to sneeze. Rosa ran to her room which had been finished while she was sleeping and sat on her bean bag and waited for the bars to come up. 3 hours later her mom popped her head in the door and told her dinner was ready"Be there soon" she said in a gloomy voice. After dinner she went to bed at 7:30 and tried to get to sleep, but couldn't because she hadn't been in her phone for 8 of the longest most terrible hours of her life. When she couldn't get to sleep she would go watch TV, she had tried to watch TV that day but only static appeared on every channel so it was a waste of time. Hopefully tomorrow she'd wake up and she'd be in her apartment with her phone next to her with 4 bars and full internet connection, hopefully.

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