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Jakob snuggled into his lover's shoulder. They sat together in the apartment that they shared, cuddling on the loveseat, the white glow of the TV screen illuminating their faces.

"I want ice cream. Don't you?" Remi looked down at his boyfriend, waiting for him to respond. He did his best to look calm, collected, but his heart was beating a mile a minute. Tonight was the night.

Jakob shrugged, nodded, eyes on the television. "I mean, sure. Why not?"

Remi nodded, stood up quickly to hide the quaking in his limbs. "Gotcha. I'll go grab us some." He padded to the kitchen in bare feet, and slumped against the refrigerator as soon as he was out of view.

His pulse hammered in his neck, palms slick with sweat. He knew that he shouldn't be that nervous, that everything would turn out fine, yet he still trembled with nerves as he opened the freezer. The ice cream sat on the shelf, rocky road, and Remi had some doubts about this being a good idea. But, he continued on with it, his mind made up.

After giving them both three scoops (and something extra for Jakob), he returned to the living room. At the last moment, he was tempted to switch their bowls, to abolish the risk and just pretend that nothing was going to happen.

Instead, he slid Jakob the correct bowl, and tried to settle into the couch beside him. There was no going back. This was it. He spent four minutes just watching Jakob make his way through the massive bowl before said person looked up.

"What? What do you need? Do I have something on my face?"

Remi blinked, looked confused. "H-huh?"

Jakob rolled his eyes, shaking his head fondly. "Why are you looking at me like that, babe?"

"O-oh. No reason... I just... Think it's hot, the way you eat ice cream?" Remi wanted to shoot himself. Why would he say that?

"Oh, is that so?" Jakob slid closer to his boyfriend, setting his ice cream aside. He slowly ran a finger down his chest. "Wanna make out, then?" He bit his lip, looked up at his boyfriend through his thick eyelashes.

Remi shook his head furiously, a pink glow spreading along his freckled cheeks. "No," he blurted, voice cracking. "I want you to finish your ice cream, first." He wiggled Jakob off of his lap and set him back on the couch cushion, thumping the icy bowl in his lap.

Jakob, one brow raised incredulously, slowly took the container off of his legs. "Rem, what's going on?"

"Nothing's going on," Remi cheered, voice too loud, eyes screaming with anxiety. "Just eat the ice cream."

Jakob frowned. "No, something's wrong with you. You've been acting off for the past few days." Scooting closer, he put an arm around Remi's waist. "Talk to me, Rem."

Remi eyed the abandoned ice cream testily. "If you want me to tell you, you'll need to eat the ice cream, Jake. I know, it's stupid, but it's vital."

Jakob scowled, scooting to the opposite edge of the sofa. "You know, Remi, if you just didn't wanna talk about it, all you had to do was say so." He took a large, angry bite of ice cream.

"No, no, no, that's not-- Jakey. That's not what this is." Another forcefully shovelled in spoonful. "S-slow down, hun." You might eat your surprise.

Jakob huffed. "You tell me to eat the ice cream, then you tell me to go slower. What do you want?" An exasperated sigh, then the last spoonful was licked off of Jakob's spoon. Suspenseful silence followed, full of Remi fretting nervously and Jakob chewing with violent intent. Then, "Ow! Remi, what the fu--".

Remi watched the rage on Jakob's face melt into a love drunk surprise. "Remi?" Jakob held a thin, silver band in his hand, peeking at his boyfriend through a bush of blonde hair. The ring has "forever and a day" engraved on the inside. "What's this?"

Remi cleared his throat, knelt down on one knee next to the couch, and inhaled deeply. "Jakob, I know that I make mistakes. A lot of mistakes, really, and I think you know that, too. But, I also know that I can make good decisions. One of them was deciding to get to know you.

"We've been dating for... Well, in essence, eight years, though that's debatable. And, after a lot of careful consideration, I've decided that I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you." Jakob, hands clasped against his chest like a swooning damsel, let out a teary little squeal. His eyes were red, but his crescent moon grin was wide. Remi's lips twitched upward in response. "Jake, I, if you'll have me, would love to be your husband one of these days. Will you marry me?"

"Y-yes, I... Of course." Remi stood, pulled Jakob into a tight embrace, burying his face in the smaller man's shoulder. "Forever and a a day, huh?" Jakob pulled back to see Remi's face.

"Always," Remi murmured, kissing his fiance on the nose.

Jakob giggled, tugging Remi back to the couch. "Do you really find it hot when I eat ice cream?"

"Why don't you come and find out?" Remi pulled Jakob onto his lap and into a kiss.

The two cuddled on the couch, watching midnight thrillers until the sun tentatively poked its head over the horizon, bodies intertwined carelessly. Their hearts beat together as one; Jakob could hear them, his ear pressed to Remi's chest. As they should be, forever and a day.


A/N: It's over! Sooner than I thought... But, yeah. Jamal is gonna have a story soon, (I hope?), and these characters will probably be making an appearance, so look forward to that. I'll put an author's note in here with more info on that later on.

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