Level Seventeen: Dark Revelations

Start from the beginning

"We bought food," Ricardo quietly says as I stare at my feet, "Allie had said you would be hungry."

Allie knew exactly how I liked to distance myself from everyone. I almost hated how well she knew me. "Thank you." I mumble lowly, "What...What time is it?" I asked shyly...I still wouldn't meet his eyes...I just couldn't.

"It's after six in the evening." Ricardo responded quietly.

"Um, should I give you two some privacy?" Allie mumbles as she feels the tension between us.

"Claire...?" Ricardo calls my name softly.

I swallow the lump in my throat and nod, "Yeah, can we have a few minutes to talk alone?" I ask. Allie lets go of me and steps away. She mutters something under her breath before turning to walk out of the room.

"Back up, you animals, Ricardo and Claire are going to have a small talk. Meanwhile, we can step up the food. I'm sure Edgar and Danny will be home soon, too." Allie ordered my room-mates before flicking the light on in my room and closing the door.

I stand awkwardly in front of Ricardo, my eyes adjusting to the harshness of the lighting of the room. "Hello." I mumbled unsure what to say to him other then to apologize a thousand times. "I'm sorry about ignoring your calls and stuff..." I trailed off as I rubbed my arm with caution.

Ricardo didn't respond for a few seconds before I felt him bring me into his chest and hug me tightly. Without hesitating, I wrap my arms around him and breathe in his familiar cologne—it brings a much needed relief to my jumpy body. I feel myself calm into his arms almost instantly, and I think he noticed it, too.

"I've been worried sick about you," Ricardo quietly says, "We all were...you just disappeared without word, Claire, we thought the worst."

I squeeze my eyes shut and mutter another apology.

Ricardo kissed the top of my head, "How are you?" He asks softly.

I shook my head with a sigh, "Exhausted and hungry." Just standing up was a lot of effort and since I didn't have any energy, it was beginning to make me dizzy, but I didn't want to let go of Ricardo just yet. His warmth was...what I needed to bounce back to my normal self.

"I hope you aren't upset with me," I add warily, "For ignoring you."

Ricardo shakes his head, "I was worried but I'm not upset with you—I don't think I can be upset with you." He says as he gently strokes my hair—a feeling that made me shiver.

I clung onto him and sighed, "I'm sorry."

"There isn't a need to apologize." Ricardo firmly states.

Ricardo eventually leads me outside into the main living area and kitchen—I watch with amusement as my room-mates set up the food on the dining table. It was then that I realize that my brother and Danny had arrived. I was confused because...I didn't even hear them come in but then again, my room-mates were a rowdy bunch.

"Claire!" Danny cries out as she rushes to me and hugs me tightly.

I hug her back tightly, "I wish you would've tagged along with us! Edgar took me to Sea-world!" Danny grins brightly up at me.

I smile down at her—I could feel my brother's stare burning into my back. "I'm sorry but maybe next time, we could go to Disneyland?" I nudge her with a grin.

She gasps, "I heard that they spread the ashes of loved ones at Disneyland."

I snorted, "Of course you heard that." I muttered, "You watch Shane Dawson too much." I told her even though I was the one who always watched Shane Dawson with her.

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