Level Eleven: Zero Privacy

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It had been a few short weeks since my dramatic runaway to Mexico. Honestly, it had been childish and kinda dramatic on my part and it wasn't very adult-y of me. Artemis had arrived last week and was transferred to a ranch for lodging not too far away from the house. I visited her almost everyday and learned how to ride her properly and how to care for her. I actually had to take her to a vet check up tomorrow—which I was dreading and nervous for because horse care was not cheap.

Ricardo's behavior had changed—not just with me but in the household in general. Everyone wasn't necessarily surprised. It wasn't super drastic where he was smiling, kissing ass, and being all sunshine and butterflies but he wasn't so moody and grumpy.

I wasn't sure how I felt about it or if I even cared but I guess I could appreciate the attempt to become a nicer person and not an asshole. He wasn't persistent with trying to build our friendship back up but he was trying in his own subtle way, not trying to overdo it.

Danny had successfully integrated into the household perfectly well and the others did their part to help because raising a young kid was tougher then it looked. Meals were now constant, game nights very Friday night, language censor was super real, and we occasionally had group study sessions too.

Danny would come to work with me and help out in any way she could—it wasn't illegal and we did pay her in candy and the occasional bills. She seemed to enjoy her new way of life which I was happy for. The biggest concern for me had been Danny not settling in and not liking her new surroundings.

It was a pretty cold Saturday morning. The months were slowly getting colder and longer. Halloween was only three weeks away and Halloween was Danny's favorite holiday, naturally. Danny had just gotten home from school since Leon had kindly picked her up—Leon seemed to have a soft spot for Danny and I think it's because he was raised as a single child. He always picks her up after school which is nice.

I was lazing around with JC and watching Catfish on MTV. Minnie was clipping coupons and organizing them to her liking. Kayla was in the kitchen preparing some snacks since Ricardo had called a family meeting due to happen any minute now.

Ricardo and I were still pretty rocky but I was at least civil towards him.

"Satan, how was school?" I sat up as Danny hurried over to my side with her backpack and sat next to me.

"It was good. I learned stuff." She grins.

I roll my eyes, "I hope you did because that's why we send you to school." I remarked/

She giggles and begins to open up her backpack, "I have some homework that I'm going to do before we go to the animal shelter." She says giddily.

It reminded me of the school project she volunteered to do. It would take the course of the year and she had to take care of an animal of her choice for a year—which I didn't particularly liked because animals weren't meant to be projects for just a year and thrown away but if they student kept the animal for a few years then they would get bonus points to help their grades and keep them up.

Ricardo had given us permission to get her any animal she wanted.

Danny had chosen her pet to be a guinea pig. They were pretty docile and easy to take care of. I also asked her mother for permission to buy her an animal and she gave her constant. Danny was very excited to receive a new friend and so was the house-hold. Chance had emerged from his cave with Larry trailing behind—I eyed the demonic fucker with caution.

Danny saw Larry and immediately went over to greet the demon spawn.

"He tries to kill me every day." I voiced my dislike.

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