Tagged Agaiiin

39 4 7

Otakuu4Lyfe tagged me in the 17 facts about you challenge!! Okay here we gooooo

1. I'm exhausted right now

2. I just came home from a dance competition 10 mins ago

3. my little sis thinks that I'm Adorable

4. I got rejected at Valentine's Day (last year)

5. I'm with Lenka 💛

6. I love roleplaying

7. I skyped with Vidu2003 5 mins ago

8. I'm a fan of undertale

9. I like doodling on the back of my notebooks

10. I usually sleep with my Blue turtle-Chan and Zebra-Chan

11. I love anime

12. I listen to Vocaloid when I'm in the shower


14. I usually listen to Len's songs while I'm in the shower..

15. My little sis is so annoying..SHE KEEPS ON CALLING ME CUTE,ADORABLE,ETC.

16. I was hanging out with Nico-Chan and Onii-Chan a while ago

17. It's 9:44 PM here..ps. I'm in the Philippines

Well that's all~ ARIGATO

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