Author's Note

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Hey, thanks for reading my fanfic. It's kinda short, and it's probably not my best tbh, but I hope you enjoyed it anyhow. :)

This is to kinda raise awareness of both internet safety and abusive relationships. We need to be careful about entering relationships with people over the internet. They seriously might not be who they say they are.

Throughout the story Josh abuses the reader. He's grooming you - saying loads of nice stuff like "I bet you're beautiful" and being super romantic so, in return, you agree to do what he says: going to see him. A huge sign of abuse is the way Josh makes you feel guilty for saying certain things. That's one of the main indicators that a relationship is abusive. Abusers tend to make the victims feel guilty for saying or doing things so they'll start doing what the abuser wants.

Another key sign of abuse is when Josh tries to isolate you from your friends/parents. Like when he says "All you need is me". That is a very unhealthy relationship. It could also be seen as an abuse of power - he's using his celebrity status and the fact that you're a fan to his advantage, to get what he wants...which turns out to be a sexual relationship.

In Chapter 20 you manage to escape the abusive relationship. For the sake of bringing the story to an end, you escape it pretty easily and quickly. But in real life, it's much harder for the victim to escape. Luckily there are a lot of helplines for victims of abuse, and of course there's the Police.

Abusive relationships are very hard to escape from. The victims are invested in the abuser, and they might not recognise it as abuse. If this lil story has in any way helped you guys understand signs of abuse better, then I'm glad I could help.

Thanks again for reading,


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