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Dear Isolation,

I understand that you did what you had too. I'm not going to say that being accused of lying didn't hurt, but what I did was extremely childish and uncalled for. I let my anger control my judgements and I left. I did what I thought was right for me. I know that you will probably never forgive me, because as you say, once you walk out the door, it will be locked if you try to come back, and I understand that, but I'm asking you to understand my side.

I left with you, I left the very first pack, because you needed to. I didn't question your judgement and you know that. You have been my longest friend on here, and our friendship was cemented when we left that pack. We started a new one, gained more and more members. And then we started to drift apart. I know its selfish of me to say so, but I felt jealous. Jealous of your best friend. I also felt angry, all I ever thought to myself was 'She didn't leave with you, I did. I left a place where I had friends, I left because you wanted to and I wasn't going to let you leave alone.' Yet as we grew further apart, that jealousy still remained. That day that I left, I felt so betrayed. I realise that we weren't that close anymore and that you were doing what was right for the pack, but it hurt. It hurt to know that you would accuse me of something without consulting with me first. We used to be so close Iso, what happened to us?

This was, and still is an apology, so I'm sorry. I'm sorry I left, and I'm sorry if I ever hurt you.

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