The Audition

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I got on the stage , a bit sweaty but otherwise calm . But all the calmness was gone when I noticed that almost half the school was here to see the auditions.
I stupidly waved to the judges who were by the way my sports,music and dance teachers and said, "Hello I'm Laura and I'm here to audition for the school dance team . "

"Okay so what dance form your going to show us today Laura ? " the main judge aka my dance teacher asked me.

"Um it's going to be a mixture of Hip Hop and Krumping ."

"Interesting. Cue the Music Please ." The judge said.

I got into position and after my first somersault everything went into slow motion. I tripped on the wire connecting the music speakers and they all toppled down one after another like dominoes . I was sprawled on the floor, not understanding what the heck just happened. Then it started. Students started booing and calling me names like Clumsy ass , Worst dancer ever and some other not so nice words. The last thing I looked was Natalie the queen bee standing right in front of me and mouthing loser. Loser..Loser..Loser.........

I woke up with a jerk. I was sweating and my hands were clammy. Thank God it was a nightmare.Well it was afternoon and not actually night but still !!. But then I realised that the nightmare would soon be reality . Tomorrow was the day of the auditions of the school dance team . It all had started the other day in the cafeteria .

I was eating my lunch which is by the way not edible.
That when Natalie the Idiot ( which is my name for the queen bee of the freshman year) came to my table .
She approached me with her friends who are really her servants and said,

"Look who's here , the ugly bee of 8th standard." Natalie said , smirking at me. I was not in the mood for her bickering so I replied to shut her up .

"Are you sure ? , because ugly starts with U and awesome ends with ME " I replied earning many 'oohs and aahs' from the students in the cafeteria.

As I predicted she turned red looking like a bomb that will explode any time .

"Oh really ? then why are you not the one who is going to be selected in the auditions of the school dance team . ?
I bet you can't dance to save your lazy ass." She finished looking smug.

In normal circumstances I would have replied with a sarcastic comeback which would have shut her up . But this time , she really had pissed me off . Because one:- I can dance. Two :- I don't have a lazy ass.

So I got out of control and challenged her that if I get accepted in the school dance team she will come dressed as a clown to school and vice versa if I don't get accepted.

And the worst thing ? She accepted the challenge. .

(Back to the present )

I did not realise till now that it was a bad idea . It is true that I'm really passionate for dance but I never dance publicly. Now that I have no choice I start preparing for my dance routine for the auditions. I decide to do Hip Hop and Krumping as those are the dance forms that I ace in. I have that aggressiveness required for Krumping and the swag for hip hop.
I decide to do What do you Mean
remix with my own loops and beats because who doesn't love Justin Bieber?

I spent almost the whole day dancing till I got it perfect. Satisfied with my routine, I prayed that I won't make a fool of myself tomorrow at the dance tryouts.


Tomorrow I got ready for school extra early so I didn't get late for the auditions. When I went to school the whole school was decorated with the colourful banners of the auditions of the school dance team .

I met my best friend Ashley and she told me that the gossip topic today was the showdown of Natalie and Laura . I grabbed a banner and apparently the auditions were being held in the school auditorium just after the school assembly.

After the assembly I took Ashley with me behind the auditorium and I saw Natalie there dancing to Party In The USA . Well twerking and belly dancing would explain it better.
All the boys and some girls even were shell shocked. I noticed that although she was wearing a very skimpy outfit her belly dancing was really good.

Ashley there was trying to soothe me "Be calm Laura you can do this. " She said.

"No I can't ! Natalie is too good. I am not that slim and popular. What if I fall ?. I will make a fool of myself .I can't dress like a clown. I can't do this. If I run away I will be disqualified right ? I can hide somewhere . In the janitor's closet perhaps.. .. I rambled on and on.

"Oh Just Shut up Laura!!" . Ashley shouted making me stop and look at her.
I have seen you dance and I swear you can beat the that Girl in a second. Dance is your passion . Don't let someone as low as Natalie destroy it. And you are scared of the audience ?? Then you put the quote 'You should always dance as though no one is watching' to shame . Now get yourself over there and show Natalie your power." Ashley finished her speech.

Ashley's words calmed me and at the same time gave me confidence.

"Laura , you are next . " One of the students called me.

I took a deep breath and felt a sense of deja vu because everything was happening like my dream . I just hope the last part also didn't happen like that.

"Hello I'm Laura and I'm here to audition for the school dance team . "
I said.

"Okay so what dance form your going to show us today Laura ? " the main judge aka my dance teacher asked me.

"Um it's going to be a mixture of Hip Hop and Krumping ."

"Interesting. Cue the Music Please ." The judge said.

I got into position and as the first notes of Music began , I felt as if I was in a trance. Nothing mattered to me . Not the audience, judges or Natalie .
It gave me instant happiness. I did somersaults after somersaults and finger tutting and what not . When I ended with a split , I slowly opened my eyes and what I saw made my day .

All students were awestruck, even the judges. Natalie was right in the center throwing a tantrum then and there and stomped out of the auditorium.

But I was not paying attention to any of them I was just focusing on how much happy I was to be able to perform . When I was there on the stage I had learned that 'Confidence is like a muscle , the more you use it , the stronger it gets'.

This is my story of a fall tryout. What's yours?

The End.

THE AUDITION :- a One Shot For The Fiction Contest Themed "Fall Tryouts"Where stories live. Discover now