Bialy Warszawski

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Bialy Warszawski lived with a family of Polish immigrants since he landed in their home before officially becoming part human. As soon as one touched the figure that appeared to be made of liquid metal, the person was shocked and he came to be as a white haired baby. Of course, it was one of the parents that had touched him, not one of the four children with them. When he was five years of age, another child was born. And then another three years later. Another was born a year after. Two years later, Bialy couldn't think with all the kids in the house. All in all, there was a total number of eight children, half of which were boys and the other half were girls. Out of all of them, none were as violent or as messy as white haired and blue eyed Bialy. He was always getting into trouble for causing fights. Heck, he had even been suspended from school for it and even sent to Juvie a couple times. Of all his siblings, he was the only one to grow up with English as his only language and he didn't have a Polish accent when speaking, which everyone found odd. Then again, he wasn't exactly a normal child.
At the age of thirteen, Bialy walked home from school. There was a bandage on his cheek, he has a black eye, a couple bruises on his arms, and a grumpy expression on his face. He held his backpack straps in both hands and he held them tightly, as if his life depended on it. As soon as he walked in the front door, his mother approached him. "Bialy Warszawski," she said. "I got a call from your school saying you were in another fight." The young teen didn't say anything. "Is it true?" Eleonora asked. There was a silent nod from the white haired male. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?" "It wasn't my fault mom!" Bialy exclaimed. "He was being mean to another student!" Eleonora noticed that he was missing a couple teeth. "That doesn't give you the right to get in a fight with him. You'll never make friends that way," she said. "Friends are overrated anyway," Bialy muttered under his breath. "I heard that," Eleonora said. "Now come here. I have prepared a snack for you." That made Bialy smile and follow his mother into the kitchen. "What happened to you?" Jakub asked when he saw Bialy. "Were you in another fight?" Bialy nodded at that, glaring at the oldest of the siblings. "What's it to you?"
Four years later, Bialy was in his junior year of high school. Essentially, eleventh grade. He may have a broken nose and a couple bandages on his face and arms, but he still went on with the school day. Reason being is he had too many absences, too many detentions, and too many suspensions. He didn't want his parents to be upset with him and he didn't want to be kicked out of school. Through the years, no one outside his family wanted to be his friend. Mostly because of all the fighting, as he has a reputation for it. Sky blue eyes looked when four vehicles stopped outside the school. An atv, a firetruck, a race car, and a tank. Probably the most unusual group of cars ever. Three were shown to having a person and one has a dog with them. The one on the atv climbed off after his dog did and the ones in the firetruck and race car climbed out. The three then stood in front of the vehicles in order by age. Blue hair and red eyes, then black hair and orange eyes, lastly brown hair and blue eyes. "Bialy Warszawski, am I right?" The blue haired male asked. "What's it to you?" Bialy asked. He was tempted to run, but he found his legs wouldn't work. Luckily school had gotten out. "We need you for something important," the blue haired male said as he stepped forward. "My name is Harry Peake and these are my brothers Gordon Smith and Samuel Holt." "Let me guess, you all have different fathers," Bialy said. "Hey! I live with a lesbian couple and a little sister," Samuel said. "And I have only one parent," Gordon told. "And I'm from Canada," Harry said. "Then were you all adopted or something?" Bialy asked. Three sets of eyes look at each other before looking at Bialy. "Something like that. And so were you," Harry told. "We were from the same family. Same with the youngest that we're going to find when we're done here." Bialy looked at Samuel with a smile. "Oh yeah, so you know Sammy, in my house I have three brothers and four sisters. The four older siblings and my parents were immigrants from Poland. In fact, they'll be wondering where I am if I don't show up home soon." "You can ride with me," Harry said. "I'm sure your parents will be thrilled to see a firefighter gave you a ride home." Bialy looked at Harry and looked him over. "You're a firefighter?" He asked. Harry nodded. "Back in Canada I was. Up until I left when I found out I wasn't fully human." "Same with me and being a 12th grader," Samuel said. "Anyway, come on," Harry said and went to the firetruck, Bialy in tow. Harry climbed into the drivers seat while Bialy climbed into the passenger seat, setting his backpack on the ground. Both buckled up and Harry placed his hands on the steering wheel, a foot on the gas pedal. Soon enough, they were on their way, Bialy directing Harry where to go. Gordon and Samuel followed them, as well as the tank. "You know, you'd get along just fine with someone I know. Both of you seem to like fighting," Harry said. "Pull over here. My house is just across the street," Bialy told. Harry did just so and Bialy climbed out, grabbing his backpack in the process. The blue haired male got out as well and went with Bialy to the front door. "Why are you still here?" Bialy asked. "Like I said earlier, we need you for something important," Harry said. The front door of the house Bialy lives in opened and there stood Eleonora. "Bialy, did you get into another fight at school?" She asked. "What of it?" Bialy asked. "I didn't get detention or suspension like I have previous times. All that really happened was someone broke my nose and gave me a couple scratches." A sigh escaped Eleonora as she got a hold of him by the ear when he came close to her. "Ah, hey! Be careful!" Bialy said. It was then that she noticed Harry giving her a weird look and let go of Bialy. Two other figures joined Harry, black haired Gordon and brunet Samuel. "I see you made friends," Eleonora said as she let them in when Bialy was already inside and in the kitchen. "They're not my friends. They're just some guys I met after school." "He sure is a nice one," Harry said sarcastically and looked at Eleonora. "He's been like that since he could walk," Eleonora told. "Always the guy of action." "Just like someone I know," Harry said. "I think they might get along if he gave it a chance." Eleonora shrugged. "Eh, no one's really wanted to be a friend of his because he's always getting into fights and into trouble. He's even been to Juvie because of it." "Stop talking about it," Bialy said with a growl. There was a moment of silence as Harry looked from Bialy to Eleonora and back to Bialy again. "I'd like to be his friend." Everything became so silent, one could swear they'd hear a pin drop. Big, sky blue eyes of Bialy stared straight at Harry in surprise. No one in the family could believe what they heard. "Did I... Did I say something wrong?" Harry asked. "N-no," Bialy said. "You're the first person wanting to be my friend in the history of forever." The white haired male looks like he might start crying. All of a sudden, Bialy hugged Harry and refused to let go, resting his head on the older male. Harry smiled and chuckled a bit, placing a hand on Bialy's head. "Maybe now you'll not start fights?" Harry asked. "Like that's going to happen. I'm a street brawler at heart," Bialy said and rolled his eyes, still hugging Harry. "If I didn't know any better, you two could practically be brothers," Eleonora said. "We are," Harry admitted. "Gordon, Samuel, and I are his real brothers, as well as another one younger than him." Bialy then hugged Harry tighter than he already was. "You're lying," Bialy said. Harry shook his head. "Nope. I'm afraid nod. Medic record says so." Bialy buried his face in Harry's chest and mumbled something incoherent. "Let's get out of here," Samuel said. "Will you ever come back?" Eleonora asked. "We have no idea," Gordon said. "If we do, you'll know." "It's not like when I left," Harry said. "Said I was leaving to find the Autobots and I never went back to Ottawa." "You're from Canada?" Eleonora asked. "Oui," Harry said. "I think we should be taking our leave," Gordon said. Harry then picked up Bialy bridal style. "We'll see you at some point in the future Mrs. Eleonora," he said. Bialy kept his face buried in Harry's chest so no one would see how reddened it had become. Turning on his heels, Harry led the way out with Gordon and Samuel at his heels. "Did you really have to do that?" Bialy asked. "Do what?" Harry asked. "Pick me up," Bialy said. "You seemed content burying your face in my chest, so why not?" Harry asked. "Besides, you weren't letting go anytime soon." "It's not my fault you're warm and comfortable big brother," Bialy said. A soft chuckle escaped Harry. "If you say so." The one question that ran through his mind is why they only called him big brother. Was it because he's the oldest of all of them? Gordon was actually understandable, but the other two were unknown. Not that he seemed to mind. He actually liked being called big brother. Made him feel special. Once at the firetruck, Harry managed to open the door and set Bialy inside. Gordon climbed on the atv and Samuel climbed inside the race car. Going to the driver's side, Harry opened the door and climbed in. Samuel, Bialy, and Harry buckled up. Next thing the blue haired male knew, Bialy was leaning against him. "Getting comfy?" Harry asked, ghost of a smile on his face. "Already am," Bialy said. "How tall are you by the way?" He asked when they were on the road. "As you Americans would say, I'm almost seven foot," Harry said. Bialy's eyes widened at that. "You're tall." "Tallest in Ottawa." Big brother, when will we tell him the truth? Samuel asked through their private comm. Don't worry, we'll tell him soon Harry sent.
Blue eyes looked around the area. "Why are we here exactly?" Bialy asked. "Because there's something we want to show you," Harry said. The white haired male looked at the other three to see them standing in front of four gigantic robots. Upon seeing them, Bialy's eyes widened. "What..." "We're the Autobots," the red firebot said, getting to their level. "I'm Inferno. These are three of my teammates." Inferno indicated the dark red mech. "Warpath." Then to the white and blue mech. "Beachcomber." Then to the blue and red mech. "And Smokescreen. Springer is back at our ship, which is apparently in Canada." "Canananadia," Harry said randomly, smiling the entire time. "Anyway... As Harry mentioned earlier, we need your help." "With what?" Bialy asked. "Fighting the evil Decepticons," Warpath said. "Count me in," Bialy said without anything else being said. "That was fast," Smokescreen said. "I'm a dirty, underhanded streetbrawler at heart," Bialy told. "If fighting is involved, heck yeah I'm going to jump at the chance to join in." "My kind of mech," Warpath said. Beachcomber just shuttered. "Oh yeah, that's not the only thing we wanted to show you," Gordon said with a smile. Bialy looked quizzically at his three older brothers. All three are smiling. Next thing the white haired male knew, Harry, Gordon, and Samuel transformed into their Cybertronian forms. Blue eyes of Bialy widened at that. "Do you think I have one of those forms?" Bialy asked, amusement evident in his voice. "That's what we're going to find out in a matter of time," Samuel told. "Sweetness," Bialy said, nodding a bit.
No less than a day later, there was warnings for an oncoming tornado that no one saw coming. People did try to get out of the city as fast as they could. Harry and Bialy had gone back to the house of the latter to warn them and help get them out of Topeka while they still could. "What about you guys?" Eleonora asked. "We're sticking around to help anyone in need," Harry said as he transformed to Cybertronian mode. "You and your family just get out of here as fast as you can." Eleonora did seem surprised to see Harry's Cybertronian form, but nodded at his request. "Ok Inferno, you're ready to go." And with that, the firetruck was on his way out of the city. Beachcomber, Warpath, Smokescreen, Gordon, and Samuel were all helping clear the city of its citizens. Bialy and Harry charged into one of the houses to get the family out. "Who are you?" The father asked. "Your saviors," Harry said. "You guys need to leave before the tornado hits the city. Almost the entire city has been evacuated thanks to our brothers and friends." The sound of winds picking up made Bialy's ears perk and blue eyes look at Harry. "Big brother, I think it's nearing. I can hear it from here." "We don't have time," Harry urged. "Come on!" At that, the family went with Harry and Bialy. The blue and black techno-organic picked up the little girl when she tripped and carried her outside, where they met up with Warpath. However, on the way out, something struck Bialy's shoulder, tearing clothing and ripping skin off his shoulder to reveal circuitry. "Gah!" He exclaimed. Shortly after, he found himself being lifted off the ground. "Big brother!" Bialy called out. Harry whirled around after handing the girl over to her family to see Bialy desperately trying to get back on the ground. He also noticed the sparking circuitry on Bialy's shoulder. "Catch!" Harry yelled after tearing off his bracelet and throwing it to the younger. Bialy caught it and held the key in both hands. Two panels opened on his chest and the key was jammed into the center spot. Blue eyes widened when the white haired male found himself transforming. At that point, Gordon, Samuel, Beachcomber, Smokescreen, and Inferno joined Harry to see Bialy in the air using what looked like helicopter rotors to quite literally make his way back to where they are. "Seems we got a flier," Samuel said, holding onto Smokescreen so he wouldn't fly off. Gordon was holding onto Beachcomber and Mary's collar. "Yeah we do," Harry said and held onto Inferno. When close enough, both Harry and Bialy held out a hand and reached for the other. As soon as Harry got a grip of Bialy's wrist, he pulled the younger close and held on to the red and white techno-organic with a blue mask close to his body's do wrapped an arm around him. "Let's get out of here!" Harry shouted over the wind. "Everyone's been evacuated?" Inferno asked when they were on their way. "Warpath took the last of them out of the city," Harry shouted. "Good." Even when they were outside the city, they kept going because they didn't want to be in the path of the tornado. Red eyes look at Bialy after Harry's head transformed to human form. "So, Bialy, what do you think?" Harry asked. Bialy smiled up at his blue haired brother. "I love it!" He exclaimed. "Where to next Springer?" Inferno asked via comm. "Portland, Oregon," Springer said. "I know where that is!" Samuel said. "Where in this country don't you know where everything is Streetwise?" Gordon asked.

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