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Day of plug being pulled

Grayson's POV

I walk into the dull hospital. The smell of medicine and cleaning products overwhelms my nose. The lump in my throat grows and my hands begin to shake.

Here we go.


I walk into the hospital room. My mom, Cameron, and even my dad stand behind the glass, watching. Waiting. I don't know where Isabelle is. I don't even know if she's going to show.

They pull the plug at exactly 4:00. I lose my best friend at 4:00 pm.

It's 3:47.

13 minutes of torture.

Isabelle's POV

I stand with the cold, metal pistol in my hand. Tears stream down my cheeks and my hands shake.

13 minutes until I get to be with my baby again.

Grayson's POV

Somethings happening. They all are running around the room yelling at each other. I can't hear them clearly from behind the glass.

One word catches my attention.


My heart race picks up and I watch as the doctors rush to do something. A slight movement from Ethan's foot catches my eye. I watch intently. It twitches. His whole body begins to shake. The doctors stare in shock as his eyes open and he starts moving.

He's awake.

Isabelle's POV

I pull my phone out of my pocket to call my mom. I need to say goodbye. I unlock the screen shakily and press on her contact. She thinks I'm at the hospital.

"Isabelle?" She says through the phone.

"Mama?" I sob. This is the last time I'll hear her voice.

"What happened?" She asks worried.

"I just wanted to tell you I love you. Please don't worry about me, okay? I'll be with Ethan and Taylor. Okay? Just don't worry about me." I barely get the words out.

"What? Where are you?" I hear shuffling around.

"Goodbye mom. I love you. Tell Grayson I'll miss him." I end the call.

10 minutes left.

Grayson's POV

My phone buzzes in my pocket. Isabelle's mom. I accept the call and bring it to my ear.

"GRAYSON? WHERE'S ISABELLE?" She sobs into the phone.

"I thought she was with you!" My eyes widen.

She's at their spot.

"S-he c-called and t-told me she is gonna-na miss you and m-me." She cries loudly.

"Wait, Ethan's awake. She doesn't know that." My heart sinks. I know what she's going to do.

"He is?"

"I'm sorry, I have to go get her. I'll call you." I end the call before she can respond and sprint down the hall to the door. I push the front hospital doors open and bolt to my car. The hill is about 6 minutes from here. I'll have to sprint up that trail.

I hop in my car, not bothering to put on my seatbelt I fumble with the keys and finally manage to stick it in the ignition. I step on the gas, screeching out of the parking lot.

I make it to the hill within 4 minutes. I was going 80 practically the whole time.

I push the door open and sprint up the dirt trail. It's usually takes a while to get up but with my strength I can probably get up there in time.

Isabelle's POV

6 minutes.

I take deep breaths. Tears drop into my mouth, leaving my tongue salty. I hear shouting.

Who would that be?

I ignore it, knowing they won't get here in time. It's probably Grayson trying to stop me.

5 minutes.

The shouting gets louder.

I watch the town.

Goodbye mom. Goodbye Grayson. Goodbye Cameron. Goodbye Lisa. Goodbye Riley.

I'll miss you.

But heaven couldn't wait for me.

3 minutes.

I block out the sound completely.

2 minutes.

1 minute.










I'm coming home



I recognize the voice. It's Grayson.

He's trying to stop me.







I turn to face a sweaty Grayson.



"Goodbye." Tears stream down my face.



I hesitate.

He steps forward.

"Isabelle, he's awake. Don't do this." He puts his hands up and takes another step.

He's lying.

I pull the trigger.

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