At first his sole purpose was to seduce her, then subdue her, then entrance her, then leave her, and that was it. He would move on with his life with his pride intact and she would be added to the long list of girls he'd left hanging.

The plan completely changed the moment he met her and she didn't remember him at all

He expected to be furious when she looked at him over her glass frames with no familiarity at all, but he wasn't. instead, he decided to join her on the table and ask her about the book she was reading. One he hadn't even heard of before.

And now, as he sat on his best friend's bed, trying to act like he was interested in whatever was on the screen of his laptop, he couldn't keep his eyes off her, or keep his fists unclenched.

He took his phone out in a moment of weakness

We need to talk

He clicked send without thinking of what they'd talk about, and watched as she pulled her phone out her bag and looked at it.

She looked back at her boyfriend who she was straddling "I'll see you later kay?"

He nodded and she kissed him one more time before leaving.

Phoenix felt a vibration in his pocket. He pulled the phone out faster than he would have liked to admit

Your room


"I know what you're doing" he said as he walked into the open door to find her lying on his bed

"oh?" She turned to look at him and propped her head up on her arm "and what is that?"

He walked over to where she was and sat on the empty bed beside her "you're trying to prove a point"

She snorted at this and shook her head "you are so full of yourself aren't you? Did it ever occur to you that I might just not be into you?"

He shook his head and replied without missing a beat "no"

She rolled her eyes and sighed, lying flat on her back "you'll never learn phoenix"

He arched a brow "learn what?"

"that sometimes you need to lower your pride"

He tilted his head to the side "so you're saying you don't want me?"

She looked at him "no, I'm saying I would like a sign that you want more than to just own me"


Landon (the closet club)

"don't worry, I'm not going to touch you.. well, unless you want me to"

"I don't" she snapped back at me and I put my hands up in surrender, though I wasn't quite done teasing

"Woah, feisty. I like that"

She groaned and began pacing back and forth "I can't believe this is anyone's idea of a joke" she mumbled on and on, cursing the friends who'd locked her up in the small dark room with me

I sat on the floor at a corner with my lips pursed, trying my best not to laugh out loud to avoid another explosion "why're you so worked up though? They'll open the door in an hour, tops"

"An hour??" she began to repeatedly mumble 'no' to herself and I was certain she was about to have a panic attack so I stood up

She jumped to the wall "stay back"

I tilted my head to the side and took a step forward. She brought out a pointy nail file from her purse and held it out to me like a dagger

I laughed, expecting her to do the same, but calmed down when she didn't "wait you're serious?"

Seven Deadly Sins #jojob97Where stories live. Discover now