Addressed to: God

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I don't even know while I'm writing this. I have made my feelings clear. I don't believe that even if you exist, that you are fair or forgiving. You constantly take things and claim it is for a better plan. But you understand that already.
I am a terrible person. You know that I sin all the time. I lie, I cheat, I've stolen. I hate myself. I do. I can't stand the thought of existing. I am not a nice person. I put on a show and I pretend and I don't care about the repercussions. I refuse to feel guilt, and I can't understand even the simplist of rules. I have a problem with authority.
I am broken. Shattered. I can't be mended. I see all these people around me and I see their unending faith in you and I don't understand. How can you trust an unpredictable all powerful being? How can you have everything taken and your dreams smashed to dust by someone and then trust that they know what's best? How can you stand there and watch someone slowly wither away and die before your eyes and love the person who is allowing it to happen? How can you learn the statistics of the amount of people that kill themselves everyday because they feel alone or the babies who I are abused or the children who die of starvation and have faith in a being that could stop it and doesn't? How can you praise the person who has wiped out the entire earth before and simply over the fact that they disobeyed? How can you believe that a person who has killed children and harmless animals, who has shown that he will sentence his own children to eternal punishment will make an exception for you? How can you trust someone who let his son die, who lets children die of starvation, who didn't hesitate to let his followers be burned and exiled. How can you trust a being who will allow rapists, murderers, child molesters, abusers, and all types of malovent people into eternal paradise as long as they say I believe in you? How does that seem like a good person? How can you possibly believe that they love you? Your Christian God sentenced his own perfect creation to a life of eternal punishment simply because he questioned God. So no, I don't have a belief in a good god.


Feel free to comment or ask a question. I don't mind if you criticize either.
~ Tricia

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