Getting Ready

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Disclaimer- I don't own black butler! And sorry if the chapters are short ^_^

Bella come out of the closet with a corset. You stare at her. "Do in have to wear that?" Bella nods "You have to look nice going to a nobleman's manor" Bella wraps the corset around you.

" Is this going to hurt?" You look at yourself in the mirror.  Bella holds the strings up. " It might hurt" Then she pulls back. You scream in pain "Ahhhhh!!" Bella then ties the strings in a bow. " I'm sorry my lady, but you just have to wear them sometimes"

Then Bella pulls out a beautiful red dress. "Brand new" You are in awe. "It is beautiful!"

~~~~~ 3 minutes later ~~~~~

You come out of your dressing room in a beautiful red dress. Bella squeals "My lady! You are beautiful than ever!" You smile and do a curtsey. "Thank you!" Bella runs to the closet. You smile. Bella comes back with a beautiful ring. "It matches your eyes my lady" Bella says as she slips it on your ring finger.

You look at the ring and admire its beauty. "It's beautiful..." Bella walks up to you. "Your carriage is here my lady.

To be continued.....

Sorry if the chapters are short :) make sure to follow me to know when I update stories.

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