Chapter three: Weeks Go By

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Annabelle Culllen

I wake up from my slumber and sit up in bed.

It's been a few weeks since Edward left. Tanya called me to let me know when he arrived.

He keeps in contact with me and my dad. He calls once a week.

I get out of bed and change into

I go downstairs and see my family there

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I go downstairs and see my family there.

"Here you go." Dad says, handing me my coffee in a to-go cup.

"Thank you." I say.

"Ready?" Rose asks.

"Ready." I say.

I kiss my dads cheek then hug Esme. We got in the cars.

Emmett and Rosalie in Emmett's jeep. Alice and Jasper rode with me in my Mercedes-Benz.

We got to school and park in the lot the. went to our classes. I had math with Rosalie.

I saw Isabella with her friends. I was watching over her for Edward, like I promised him.

"I can't believe Edward made you promise to protect his human." Rosalie says.

"He asked me to and I agreed." I say.

"Why?!" She asks.

"Rose." I say.

Her face softens and sighs.

"Sorry. It's just... Your type is less risk of exposure. Ours is more risky. Our eye color, our coldness, and other things. I'm sorry for being insensitive." She says.

"It's fine. You didn't know Jeremy. No one did. Being vampires, it's natural for us all to be threatened with, and scared of, exposure." I say.

"You always know what to say. You can be so moral and noble. How do you do it? You live by a code of honor." She says.

"During my time in Mystic Falls, I met a honorable and noble vampire who's name was Elijah Mikaelson and his family. I got along with Elijah and Kol the most. But it was Elijah that wore the most off on me. Niklaus and Rebekah were my partners in crime. But Elijah taught me the honor there can be in the arts of revenge and vengeance as well as avenging." I say.

"Wow. You really are the deadliest vampire." She says.

I smirk and we go to class.


I saw Bella look our way as she sat with her friends. We all look her way as well then went back to our things.

I felt my phone vibrate. I check it to see a name I hadn't seen on my screen in a while.


I go outside and answer it.

Convo      (D- Damon; A- Annabelle)

A- hello?
D- Annabelle.
A- Damon, what is it?
D- .... It's Elena.
A- What happened to Elena?
D- She's got her emotions back on... But she... She needs someone to help her with the process of losing Jeremy. She's channeling all her emotions into rage... She's gonna try to kill Katherine for killing Jeremy.
A- Katherine is 500 years older than her. She'll get herself killed.
D- That's what we're saying. She won't listen to anyone. We tried using you but she keeps saying that she doesn't want to drag you into this because she knows you're probably still  heartbroken with losing Jeremy. Which I know you probably still are but... Anna, we really need your help. I love her, Anna. I can't lose her to Katherine.
A- Damon... I have my own human, vampire, death, problems right now. Elena is right. Even if it's a suicide mission, her killing Katherine will give her little closure. I would love to kill Katherine but she's on the other side of the country and I have a family now that I need to protect. I have the originals protecting us. Katherine needs to pay and if I can't do it, I'd rather it be Elena that killed her. Let her do this, Damon.
D- You just said the problem! Katherine is 500 years older and she's stronger than Elena! Katherine will crush her!
A- Have some faith in Elena! I'm the one that taught her how to fight and kill vampires!
D- *groans* I hate it when you're right.
A- I know. I gotta go, I'm at school.
D- I keep forgetting the time difference. It's night time here.
A- Well it's afternoon here.
D- Take care of yourself, babyface.
A- You too, Damie.

End of convo

I hang up and go back into the cafeteria. I sit at the table and all eyes go to me.

"What?" I ask.

"Who was that?" Alice asks.

"It was Damon. He's a friend of mine." I say.

They all nod and the bell rings.


Once we got home, I saw my dad and Esme in the kitchen. Dad hands me a blood bag and kisses my head as I take it.

"Thank you. You home early?" I ask, as I start drinking the blood bag.

"Yes. We had an unexpected surprise." He says.

I drain the bag dry then throw it in the trash. I turn around and freeze as I see... Edward.

"Eddie!!" I say.

He chuckles and opens his arms and I run into them. He lifts me up and slowly spins me around. He puts me down then we pull away.

"When'd you get back?" I ask.

"About an hour ago." He says.

"I missed you." I say, cuddling into his chest.

"I missed you, too." He says, wrapping his arms around me.

The Twilight Saga: Dangerous LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora