Train to Hogwarts

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Ron,Harry and Hermione were sitting on the same compartment as last time, but Harry notice something strange...Ron and Hermione are holding hands which they never really do since they met.Harry stood up and asked them, "Why are you holding hands? Asked Harry in a ungrateful way.Ron suddenly spoke "Oh harry we forgot to tell you, Hermione and I are together now" said Ron with a glance at him.

Harry suddenly sat down and then stared at them..he didn't know how to react, he feels angry inside and also jealous...Harry liked Hermione since they first met and he never told her because he was afraid on what she was gonna answer.Hermione suddenly broke the thoughts on Harry's mind and said "Why are you staring like that?Aren't you happy for us?Said Hermione feeling rather surprise by his stare at them.Harry didn't know what to say, well he know he has to lie so that he would'nt break his friendship to them, so he said "Oh yes of course!Why wouldn't I be happy to see my two bestfriends together!Harry said with a forced smile and cheerful face.Oh Harry!Said Hermione with a cheerful voice "I knew you would like us to be together! Hermione said hugging harry which made Harry blushed a little pink.

At last, they arrived at Hogwarts!Harry was the last one to go out of the train to stalk Ron and Hermione on how will they walk together, if they are gonna snog at each other or hold hands.Harry walked at the back of them to see what they are doing.Harry saw what he was waiting for, Ron kissed Hermione on the cheek and hold the hands of Hermione.Harry saw it and great pressure inside his body was formed.He din't know what to react, he stayed silent and walked fast at the side of Hermione so that Ron wouldn't kiss her again.Because Harry knew that Ron would not do something strange when Harry is beside them.

Sorry I don't really like long stories in one page😊😊

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